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No one's pov

"Maybe we should talk about this." His friend said, as he turned his back on him.

"The one who pushed you down on the platform-." His friend looked back at him. "Was me."

Silence enveloped the two of them, Takemichi couldn't process what his friend was saying.

"I was sure that you'd be dead, but someone saved you. " his eyes widened.

"That someone was Naoto Tachibana. He looked like he knew you'd fall, I know it sounds weird. But are you able to travel back in time?" Akkun said, looking at his friend.

"Did you ask him to save you in the past?" He walked toward his friend and both held his shoulder. He pushes him.


He glared at his friend. "What are you talking about, Akkun?" Takemichi clenched his fist. "You're not that kind of person. So... You're lying! You wouldn't kill me!"

"Takemichi. I don't know how I've become like this. I became Kisaki's dog."

His eyes widened because of the said name.

"Kisaki... You mean Tetta Kisaki?" He asks his friend.

"Everyone in Toman is submissive to him, I haven't seen Mikey in years. He's finding someone he did not know where." Who is this someone? Takemichi thought.

"Akkun, it's not too late. Quit from Toman." He forced his friend, hoping Akkun would agree.

"I can't."

"I'm so scared, I'm so freaking scared of Kisaki," Akkun said while gripping his arm tightly.

"You said you want to meet him right?"

"But Mikey changed after Draken died. And that's the reason why she left. He's busy finding her." Takemichi looked shocked at what he heard.

"Draken-kun died? And who's the one who left?"

"He shouldn't have died, but he did."

"The one who left is Mikey's girlfriend."

"Tokyo Manji Gang First Lady. Saotome Stella or also known as Ella."

"She left not only because Mikey changed, but also because of what happened to a Toman," Akkun said while climbing on the side of the rooftop. Ella? I haven't met her in the past. Takemichi thought.

"And that's all I know."

"I once looked up to you. So you're traveling back in time to save your girlfriend Hina." Takemichi noticed what his friend was going to do.

"It's too dangerous! Step down!" But Akkun didn't listen. "What a deep love" and let out a chuckle. "Hang in there, Takemichi."

Akkun looked back at his friend while tears streamed down his face.

"Save everyone."

His friend commits suicide after that.


Ella's pov

I was waiting in front of our gate for Mitsuya to pick me up as Mikey said. I'm wearing my Toman uniform. It's different from them because it's a crop top I requested from Mitsuya. Not long after, I heard a motor approaching.

"Yo Takashi-kun," I greeted him.

"Good evening, Ella-chan" He said with a smile. "Did you wait long?"

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