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Ella's pov

"What color should I wear?"

[Whatever you want, love.]

"But I want us... to wear the same color." I pouted on the phone.

[How about blue?]

"Oh my gosh, yes!" I happily said and clapped my hands.

[Cute. Wait for me, okay? I'll just finish this."] I hummed in response. He ended the call after that.

Today we're having a picnic in the playground which is my favorite place. So here I am in front of the mirror, putting make-up on myself, I walked over to my pink cabinet that daddy gave me.

I took out the dress that I was going to wear. It's a cute blue checkered dress which is only up to my knees. I put my long hair in a half ponytail with a pink ribbon at the back, leaving my bangs on my forehead.

I checked myself in the mirror. I smiled cutely while fixing my bangs, it messed up when I turned around. Maki is also here, so I made him wear a blue hoodie. He's just laying in his bed while watching a movie on my laptop.

While I was putting my white sandals, I heard a honk outside, and Maki immediately stood up and ran through the door.

"Maki wait!" I shouted but he didn't come back.

That boy! I checked myself again in the mirror and took the things I prepared earlier. I turned off my laptop and went out of my room. I said my goodbyes to my nanny and ran outside.

Then I saw him carrying Maki while holding a bouquet. He turned to me when he noticed I'm approaching. He's wearing a blue polo and white jeans, white leather low top sneakers. His long blond hair is still as usual.

My boyfriend looks so handsome!!

"Wow, Gorgeous." Mikey says as I picked up the bouquet. I sniffed and averted my gaze as I held back a smile.

He let out a small laugh before hugging me tightly and caressing my hair. I smiled and even scrunched my nose while holding onto his waist and looking up at him. I saw his cheeks turned red. I laughed and gave him a kiss.

"Thank you." I said and buried my face in his chest.

"Why did you bring a canvas?" He asked me when I took it out inside my bag.

We sat in a tree here in the playground with a picnic mat to sit on. We just finished eating the food he had brought, that he cooked.

Maki is just running around while playing with butterflies. I saw it land on his nose and he sneezed. Mikey and I laughed at his cuteness.

"Nothing, I just want to paint." I said smiling while I prepared my materials.

He was lying on my lap and ready to sleep. I poked his nose and he opened his eyes. I just stared at him before giving him a kiss on the forehead. I saw him smile after that.

I started painting and it looks like he has already fallen asleep in my lap. Maki is beside him who also fell asleep due to fatigue. I smiled and secretly took a picture of them.

"Done!" I said after I'm done painting and Mikey immediately stood up while his eyes were still closed.

He thought something happened, because his fist was punching the air. I laughed which made him open his eyes. "Who hurt my baby?!"

"It's done!" I happily said to him and showed my painting. He touched it and examined it.

"A house?" He asked as he looked at me. I nodded.

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