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Ella's pov

Every week Shin-kun always picks me up at home to train at Grampa Sano's dojo. I trained along with Mikey and Baji.

I saw Shin-kun out of the house so I hurriedly came out and greeted him. I idolized him, he's a cool guy for me.

"Woah, easy there, Ella-chan you might fall for me." He said and winked.

I facepalm and kicked his foot which made him scream. He's cool but I don't like that side of him. "Your hairstyle is so weird, Shin-kun!"

"Ha, I know I'm handsome." He said while holding his chin and winked at me. He's no different to his brother.

We're now riding his motor while I grip on his jacket, he drives so fast!

"Oh, sorry." He said when he noticed. "We have a little sister, she's one year younger than you." I frowned. I didn't know they had a sister.

"Where is she?"

"She's in our house now! So I know you two will get along." Shin-kun said and I didn't notice we had already arrived.

Mikey is in the gate of the house obviously waiting for us. He immediately hugged me protectively and glared at Shin-kun.

"I had a good time, Ella-chan, I'm really happy when I'm with you~ let's go to that place again-" Shin-kun started to tease Mikey again and this boy glared even more.

"What place?!" Jeez, his voice is so loud.

"Only me and Ella-chan know that~" Shin-kun said and started to walk away while holding his nape.

Mikey turned to look at me, as if asking me about what Shin-kun said. "He's lying to you," I said and started to walk too. Mikey didn't believe and just crossed his arms while pouting. He looks like a duck.

We were in training now and grampa Sano said to take a rest. I wiped my sweat and drank on my jug.

"Shinichiro!!" I heard grampa shout and I laughed.

He's spending his time again outside to avoid the dojo. And I also heard he scolded Baji. I shrugged and continued to train.

"Let's kick it together, Ella-chan!" Mikey said and I nodded.

"Why are they still training, if they're already strong?" Baji complained. "Hey Sano, train with me."

"Hm? No thanks, I don't wanna get all sweaty." Mikey declined.

"So why are you coming to the dojo then, huh?" Baji said while pointing at him.

"To show off my talent to my crush." Mikey said and looked at my direction, crash? What's his crash?

I walked towards the door to get some air. I stumbled on the ground when I saw a little girl looking at me. Jeez, she scared me.

"Ella-chan!" Mikey immediately went to me and helped me to stand up. "What happened? Are you hurt?!"

I ignored him and looked at the little girl again who's peeking at us from the door. "Who's over there, Mikey?" I pointed.

"Emma, my little sister!" He said and smiled proudly.

"Huh!!!" Baji screamed.

So she's Shin-kun's saying to me. Mikey called her to introduce us.

"Ohh, so you don't have the same mother?" Baji asked. "She got a foreign name like Ella-chan!"

"Cool right?" Mikey said and they laughed together.

We're sitting down on the floor and the little one is just staring at me and I don't know why. I looked back at her after drinking my water and arched her brow. But she just stared at me again.

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