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Ella's pov

After he gave me the strawberry milk. I've been thinking if I should talk to him or not. I didn't drink it, I just put it in my bag, strawberry is my favorite drink though, so I'm surprised he gave me that.

We were now in the classroom and the teacher was talking in front, and this annoying boy kept glancing at me and not focusing on the class. But I just ignored him and continued listening to the teacher.

His white haired friend is quiet and listening to the teacher, while this annoying black haired friend of his keeps looking at the two of us, wearing his playful smirk. He's more annoying than this boy beside me.

"This is where the romance between the two of you begins." He said and stopped his laugh. I heard their one friend giggled. Tch, I thought he's a good boy, but he's just the same as them!

"Shut up, Baji, the teacher might hear you!" Their leader whispered shouted.

"Damn, Mikey, I thought you're not interested in girls. But here you are chasing a cold girl, who didn't even look at you, poor you." His friend still teases him and kicks his chair.

What did he say?! A cold girl?! I'm not that cold! I just don't want to get attached to someone. That's why I don't have friends, because I was afraid they would leave me too.

I just ignored them and continued listening, but I still see him keep glancing at me.

When the school ended, I just packed my things ready to leave, but my teacher said wait because she was announcing something, the clubs we joined.

I decided to choose the cheerleading club, because I saw the photos and videos of my aunt. She used to be a cheerleader when she was in high school, and I admired her a lot.

The teacher called the names of those who joined cheerleading in our section, and I was the last one.

"And Saotome Stella, the cheerleading clubs will have to stay because your practice will begin later, that's all, those who are not called you can go home." The teacher walked out in the classroom.

My classmates started to approach me and started asking me why I joined. But I just ignored them and got up from my seat then walked past them.

"She's so cold."

"Why did she join the cheerleading team if she's like that?"

"She's so rude, she thinks she's the most perfect, but she's nothing without her family's wealth."

I heard them whisper but I ignored them. I don't have time for backstabber's.

I was about to walk out, but I heard a table fall on the ground, and it made a loud noise. The girls screamed and ran closer to the front. Then I saw the blond boy holding the collar of the boy who said I'm nothing without my family's wealth.

No one even tried to go near them, because his face looked very scary. He looks so angry.

"Say that again, I dare you." He emotionlessly said. But the boy can't speak because of a grip on his collar.

I didn't know there's something inside me saying to me to stop them. But my feet won't move, I was shocked because of the look on his face. He looks different when he's angry.


This is my first time calling his name. He immediately went back to his senses and looked at me, his eyes softened. "You want to talk right? let's go."

Then I walked out of the room. I felt him following me and walked beside me. Silence envelops the two of us while walking, yet it's comfortable.

I decided to stop on one of the benches, I sat down, and he just stood in front of me. He was staring at me. I couldn't explain his emotion in his face.

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