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Ella's pov

"How are you?" I asked Pah, I am here now in jail, where he was taken. I visited him.

"I'm okay, Ella-chan, don't worry about me." He said, looking down. There's a glass between us.

"Why are you saying that?, you're my big bro of course, I will be worried about you." I said seriously.

"Stop worrying, I am fine, really." He forced a smile. "And thank you for trying to help me."

I tried to help him, I talked to my father's lawyer at the company, and he accepted immediately, but Pah refused because he wanted to pay for what he did.

"You really don't want it?" I asked him again hoping he would agree.

"Yes, I already turned myself in." He said and looked up to me. I sighed.

"Then I guess we will just wait for you until you get out." I gave him a small smile. "Take care of yourself here, don't lose weight ok?" I said, which made him laugh a little.

"Of course! I won't lose weight!" And we laughed together.

"I will send you a letter every month." He nodded. Time was up, so we said goodbye to each other.

"Goodbye Big bro."

I was walking in the quiet street, when suddenly my cell phone rang. It's Peh-yan, what does he want? I accepted the call, but he didn't speak first.

"What is it, Peh-yan?"

"Ella-chan, can we meet here in the café." He said.


"I heard you visited Pah-chin, I just want to talk about it."

I agreed Peh-yan is also my friend, so I trust him.

"Wait for me there."

I entered the café and saw him sitting holding his cellphone. He looked in my direction and waved at me when he saw me.


"Good morning, Peh-yan."

I said as I approached him, he stood up and pulled up the chair, so I could sit down. He called the waiter so we could order.

"Order anything you want Ella-chan, my treat." He said in a proud smile.

"Ok." I said coldly.

When our order arrived we ate and talked about my visit to Pah. I excused myself to go to the bathroom, and he nodded. I looked at him suspiciously, why do I feel like he's planning something? I just shrugged and went straight to the bathroom.

After I used the bathroom, I went to our table and saw a familiar boy standing in front of Peh-yan, looking at him seriously.

"Takashi-kun? What are you doing here?" I asked him, and he looked at me with a worried face.

"I should be the one asking you, and why are you with him? Did you not receive Mikey's text to you?" He said and stared at Peh-yan.

"I invited her." Peh-yan said and stared back at him.

"Oh-uh my phone is in silent mode, but why?"

"Mikey followed you in jail to visit Pah too, but when he arrived you were not there, he went to your house, but you were not there either, you also did not answer your phone. So he panicked and called all the gang to find you." He explained.

"If he called all toman, then why Peh-yan not receiving anything?" I asked and looked at Peh-yan suspiciously.

"That's also what I'm wondering." Mitsuya said and also looked at Peh-yan.

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