Welcome (& Info)

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Hello, hello! Please allow me this brief moment at the beginning to welcome you and provide some brief synopsis as to what you're about to read. I did kept the description quite short, after all, to prevent it from extending past the word count which would keep it in the box. Done from experience from trying to read the description of fanfics to gauge my interest only for it to be cut in half since it's too wordy. And then I would end up having to click on the story to read the rest of the description...


Ahem! Anyways, this story would focus around our beloved MC from our own reality who found herself thrown into the world of Tokyo Revengers. She'd be rather disoriented and still trying to grasp the fact (or even realizing it) for a few chapters in the beginning so please do go easy on her ( ̧⸝⸝⍢⸝⸝)ི That would include her feeling a bit dissociated from everything that's going on until she starts to understand her situation.

My reasons for her not realizing it right at the start would be due to

• her not being a rabid fan of manga (though she did enjoyed it) and only recently got into it

• the first few characters she met were relatively normal looking enough that she could have gone on thinking they were normal people (until she meets certain characters)

• me trying to capture the disorientation that she would be dealing with from having everything she knew suddenly swiped out from right in front of her

Love Interests/Romance

I'm not going to drop a specific lists of characters since that would be too complicated (and I'm still on the fence about some of them). So instead, I'm gonna try to give you a brief description on what to expect when it comes to the "romance" part of this fanfiction!

I don't plan on including any direct romantic scenes, at least not in the main story. What do I mean by "direct romantic scenes"?

• No kissing (unless accidental) or implications of being in a relationship with any one of the characters (until ending)

• Characters may show affection as sign of a crush but may or may not be able to read as just platonic if you avert your eyes :>
• Even more platonic with Draken until I decide to screw it and ship him with MC

• MC's heart may go "doki doki" and she may blush at certain interactions with characters but nothing specific to the point of favoring one character over another romantically or falling in love, so the guys would have a semi-equal chance

• The only thing affecting this would be screentime they get in the original manga, but I'll try to squeeze in extra scenes for those missing out

• Watch me try (and fail) at preventing my bias for certain characters

Pretty much everyone is a love interest except for the side side characters who appears for like one chapter, and promptly cease to exist. And certain antagonists.

And with the exclusion of certain characters aka

• Takemichi Hanagaki

• Tachibana Hinata

• Emma Sano

• Draken; I'm still on the fence about him since I do wanna ship him with MC but... poor Emma

• Kisaki Tetta; Do I even need to explain why?

Most characters I stole from the wiki will be potential candidates for MC's affection. Do keep in mind that despite most of the characters being on "the list", you'd obviously see more romantic potential based on how main of a character they are. Ex: Mikey > Hakkai

Loopholes & Logic

Looking back through the chapters I already written, I end up finding some glaringly odd and out of place facts, so I'm gonna list them here for better understanding of the story and we're going to ignore them, okay? ^^

• MC uses an iPhone with a map application and customizable alarms (Manga is set in an era of flip phones)

• No language barrier despite MC coming from a different country than Japan

• Money; she never runs out

• Family and friends from her past life? Never heard of them

• No experience fighting; she's here to join Takemichi on his quest of world peace through Talk no Jutsu and sheer willpower

• Amazing memory; cramming all the plot into her mind

Some last things:

• Mature labeling, profanity and violence due to following the contents of the manga

• I will save all/most of the characters, especially if they're a love interest. With the exception of Kisaki for obvious reasons and those that died before MC came along (Shinichiro) or in a location too far from the original story
And that should be all the points I wanted to cover. This ended up being much longer than I intended, haha... I hope you enjoy the story!

I have no specific update schedule so I'll just be posting them as I go. Chapters vary from 500-2000 words at the moment so I can definitely at least do weekly updates!

In fact a world so unfamiliar, I found you.

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