Chapter 11

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'What happened?' she asked.

'Nothing, I just need to get out of that fucking house. I cannot stay there.'

'You can always stay with me.'

'Thanks, I just dont want my fa--' I tried to say his name. But he wasn't much if a father to me. Not anymore. Not for a while.

She changed the subject. As if she panicked. When I talked about him. Weird.

'Thanks you think I can stay with you for a while?' I asked. Panicked she'd say no.

Even though I knew this was a bad idea I knew I needed to get away.

'Of course. Luckily I moved so he doesn't know where I live.' She said.

'Oh don't worry. He'll be happy I'm gone, but he'd still want me to suffer for what I did.' I said sighing.

'Yeah. I remember when he was happy. You guys use to play around. He use to pick you up when your mom was around.' She smiled but something, just something on her face looked sad. Almost guilt.

I shrugged it off and We drove off to her house.

As I walked into the door, we went straight up to her bedroom. Her bedroom was pretty big. I wonder how it felt to live in a house where you're treated equally, and not abused.

Just wondered how it felt to be free. Live with a perfect life. No guilt......

I just wish.

I fell onto her bed my back falling first and my face facing the ceiling.

This is what I wanted. But I couldn't get it. I didn't deserve it.

'Want some tea?' Ivey asked. She knew I loved tea.

When we were 6 we had yea parties. Acted like we were having tea with the Queen of England.

Really. We were that girly and that silly.

I miss those happy times.


'Shut up!' She yelled.

'haha but really!' I yelled back.

'He liked you so much, you said Mommy and Daddy don't let me kiss boys.'

'OMG,' she covered her mouth 'I KNOOOWW!.'

'You know what he did after right.?'

Her eyes widened.

'SHIT. I MADE HIM CRY.' she yelled.

We were eating Ice cream.

So good.

This is like the best time I remembered I haven't had fun in a while in my life. This day clearly.

But I couldn't tell her that. She's obviously scared about him. Hitting me maybe? Or maybe something else was bothering her................

'I'm glad to have you back.' She blurted, shutting out my thoughts.

'Mee too.' Is that all I could say?

I continued. 'I'm glad to have the old friendship start again.' She froze. my father? orrr???

I really wish she wasn't hiding anything from me. But she is. I just know.

She got up to take our bowls downstairs. No.

'You know you can tell me anything that's bothering you.' I grabbed her wrist.

'What? I'm fine. Really.' She said confidently and walked downstairs...

I laid back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling once again...

She was lying.

Just thinking of how I didn't believe her.

I didnt realize time had past. But she never came back.



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