Chapter 12

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Still never came back.

I walked downstairs and once I spotted her from around the corner. I just looked at her, the corner covering my presence.

As if I were a spy.

She couldn't see me. So I watched her.

She was pacing back and forth biting her nails on the phone.

'Really, this needs to stop!' Who was she talking to?

'THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS!!!' She yelled in a whispered toned voice.

'Ok? Its wrong to feel so god damn good about it. Your so fucking lucky right now, you know'

'Just whatever, someones going to find out even her. She senses something.' She said irritated.

Who is this she?

Was it me?

'So? You know what bye.'

She didn't hang up. Whoever she was talking to said something to her before she hung up.

She sat at the table and started to bite her nails.

She did that when she was nervous.

When she was scared.

Something clicked into her mind and she got up heading in my direction.

'Shit' I whispered and tried to quietly run upstairs.

I layed on her bed as if nothing happened, as she walked in.

'Where have you been?' I asked.

She glanced up, as if shocked, as if she had forgotten I was there.

'Oh. I had to do all the dishes ad I really needed to go to the bathroom.' She said.

'Don't worry. I sprayed.' she added

I giggled.

She was lying. I couldn't believe this.



'hmm??' I typed.

'I want you rn.'

'Too bad you can't.'


'You should open up.'


'The door.'

'Why would I if... Ohhh.'

Luckily I'm home alone. Since about 2 weeks.

My brother? I don't even know, nor do I care.

Should I care? I mean... He cared about me.

My father? You know I'm actually lucky I haven't seen him, because I would've been beat.


Another knock.


I ran down the sturdy stairs and opened the door.

He clasped his lips onto mine. And came into the house. Slamming my back against the wall. Kicking the front door closed.

"Miss me?" He breathed and kissed me again, his tongue entering my mouth.

"No." I giggled As he bit my top lip.


This is going to get interesting. I thought as we headed upstairs, into my room.

Was I even ready?

Ready to expose?

I blocked all my thoughts as he got on top of me and kissed my bruises on myface and sucked on my neck.

I don't want him to stop.

His touch.

His kiss.

His body.

His everything.

Just sent me on fire.

I moaned softly through his ear.

He looked up and smiled at me, eyes full of lust as he rolled down to my stomache.

Not loosing eye contact................


What's going to happen?


Thanks for the reads loves .


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