Chapter 11 - Stories About the Past

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Chapter 11 - Stories About the Past

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Dream SMP / Krew

Karl Jacobs was with his daughter, Silvia when he was approached by two Hermits. Silvia ran off to play with her siblings and to bother her two other parents, Sapnap and Quackity. Karl looked up to see Impulse and Ren.

"Hey Karl?" Impulse asked.

"Yea?" Karl asked, turning around as Silvia ran off to go bother Sapnap and Quackity.

"We found out that you were a time traveler," Ren said.

"How did you figure that out?" Karl asked, suspiciously.

"Uhhh-" Impulse said. "Well...We found one of your diaries..."

"And you READ IT?!" Karl asked, outraged.

"Yea," Ren said, sheepishly. "Sorry!!"

"And it's fine!" Impulse said. "We won't tell anyone!"

"Fine..." Karl said. "Just don't snoop around my stuff anymore."

"Can we learn about your adventures?" Ren asked.

Karl sighed. "There is a lot. But I'll only tell you two."

"What are the options?"

"Gogtopia, The Village That Went Mad, The Beach Episode, The Lost City of Mizu, The Masquerade, The Wild West, The Haunted Mansion, The Pit and the Maze."

"I guess The Masquerade?" Ren said.

"And The Pit," Impulse suggested.

Karl sighed. "The Masquerade was a party for the rich. At least...So we thought. The host and the owner of the mansion that the party would be at was Sir Billiam III. He had also invited some of his other friends. Their names were Sebastian who preferred Lord Sebastian, Lyaria, James and Oliver. There was also someone named Drew P. Wiener." Karl couldn't help but smile at the memory of his name. Ren and Impulse snickered. "And there was also Billiam's butler."

Karl paused, trying to remember more of the story. "Billiam, being rich and all had no heart for people of the upper middle class and below. So, he tried to poison Drew who was pretty much poor in Billiam's mind. The butler was also poor but Billiam had him become his butler because of that."

"He tried to poison someone?!" Impulse said in shock.

Karl continued. "We all thought that it was just a party. Nothing more, nothing less. But then the lights went out and we couldn't see anything. But there was someone that was outlined. And you could even see them through the walls. I hid in a vent and nearly got killed, but luckily for me, the murderer didn't see me. When the lights turned back on, everyone gathered back in the main hall. Everyone but Lyaria and Drew. Lyaria came late but Drew didn't show up so we all went looking for him. When we found him...He was dead."

Karl paused before continuing. "We discussed who could've killed him. We had found his head in the bookshelves. It was hidden in a secret passageway but the blood had seeped through the bookshelf. That was how we found it. Billiam bought everyone's silence with gold as a dead body found on property could reduce the price of it."

"So all Billiam cared about was money?" Ren asked.

"Seemingly," Karl said. "We tried to find clues on who the murderer could be but the lights turned off again. I tried to find the murderer by seeing them once the lights turned back on but I failed to do so. Lyria was killed this time. We found her body by some wine barrels. And then we found Oliver drowning in the aquarium. Not necessarily drowning but he was in there and we didn't know how he got there. When he got out, we regrouped and they started accusing me, so I showed them my path to prove my innocence. Billiam then had us empty out our inventories to make sure none of us had a sword with us."

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