Chapter 21 - Fluff

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Chapter 21 - Fluff

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(Just a heads up- This is gonna be entirely fluff. Not part of the plot whatsoever- Maybe it is, but still- -Pleb) (If this entire chapter will be fluff, then I need to make up for that with a shit ton of angst next chapter! :DDD -Galactic)(I have an idea >:) ~Peachy)

Dream SMP / Krew

Dream was tired. He has been dealing with many things lately. These issues on the server, Lucid and Nightmare. George was understanding though. Dream was waiting for his husband to come back from putting down Aspin for her nap.

"Dreaaaaaam!" Called a British voice from the doorway.

"George!" Dream snapped out of his thoughts as soon as he heard his husband's voice.

George smiled. "Thought you forgot about me."

"How could I?" As Dream was sitting on the bed that he and George shared, George sat down next to him.

"Aspin is sleeping. So are Cally and Ginny."

"So we have a bit of alone time?" Dream said, softly.

"What do you think?" George said, jokingly. Dream gave a small wheeze.

"Tea kettle," George said, simply. Dream wheezed again.

"Colorblind idiot," Dream wheezed.

"It's not my fault! I'm colorblind!" George protested. Dream gave a loud wheeze. "Shut up before you wake the girls," George said. Dream smiled before kissing his husband on the cheek and hugging the shorter. "Clingy," George muttered.

"Like you said," Dream said, softly. "You're irresistible."

"That, I can confirm," the brunet said, boastfully, but in a good way. Dream laughed.

"Shorty," Dream said.

"Homeless Teletubby, Green Speedrunner Tea Kettle." Dream wheezed loudly at that one.

"See? You are a tea kettle!"

"But I'm not really homeless anymore now am I?"

"Then get out so you can live up to that name," George said in a joking manner. Dream laughed.

"Maybe I should," the blond teased.

"Don't really," George said. "Who'll keep Lucid and Nightmare at bay?"

"What about the girls?"

"Nah, they don't care about you."

"Now that just hurts," Dream said, pouting slightly. George laughed.

"I'm only kidding you idiot!"

As the two continued talking, the sun settled into a sunset. Soon enough, it was dark.

"We should get to bed," George said.

And the two did, cuddling. The Brit's face buried into the American's chest. The blond's chin resting upon the brunet's head. The younger's larger hands in the smaller, older's soft, fluffy, brown hair. The shorter was curled up as the taller's other hand rested on George's back. The only sounds in the silent room was the soft breathing of the two sleeping husbands.

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Hermitcraft / Empires SMP

A park in a city, that appears to have nobody in it. The city is on an island above the void and the sky is dark purple. That was the afterlife Xena and Xylo were sentenced to. Collecting their thoughts together, the memories of what just happen before teleport here came crashing down in their mind, stunning them for a moment. There was a long silence before Xena spoke.

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