Chapter 1: A Taste of the Future

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The morning sun broke through the circular window that loomed over Councillor Hoskel's desk, painting the room in an orange tint. The smooth wooden desk soothed Paul's skin as he shuffled several important papers on Hoskel's desk, organising them into their corresponding piles as to give his boss no trouble in organising his daily schedule. As Paul placed the last of the papers down, he lost himself in thought, his face being engulfed by the warm glow of the morning sun. The last ten years felt like they went by in the blink of an eye. Piltover itself had changed so much in that time as well. The birth of hextech revolutionised trade in the region, with Piltover becoming an economic hub of sorts. The entire world wanted to be a part of this new era, so naturally most of the councillors of Piltover wanted to position themselves into the best possible position to financially benefit from the influx of attention their city gained. With the drive of ambition came several vacancies for the less well-off to stand by these so to be titans that governed Piltover, to aid them in their financial ventures. But Paul was not just content with being a Councillors assistant, even if Hoskel had always been good to him since he joined him. The drive of ambition burned bright deep within Paul's soul as well.

"You okay there Paul?" A voice broke through his long-eyed stare, quickly returning him to reality.

"Sorry Ant. I was miles away." Said Paul before quickly returning to organising Hoskel's desk.

"If I had a cog for every time you gaze off into the horizon-" Started Antonio before Paul cut him off.

"Yes, yes I know. Can't blame me for thinking of my future plans, can you?" Replied Paul shrugging his shoulders as he finished preparing the desk.

"What are they again? You don't really talk about these 'future plans' all that much." Said Antonio as he finished sweeping the floor. Paul turned himself around, leaning back against the wooden desk, hand lightly scratching at his chin.

"If I'm honest Ant, I don't really know." Started Paul, gaining him a confused look from Ant. "Well obviously I know I want to work in and around the Law, but after being by Hoskel's side for so long, you see many different sides of this place. Not all of them are good. Take being a public defender for example. Sure, I get to represent those who have nowhere else to turn, but I don't get much choice. I want to be in control, set my hours, my rates, not be at the beck and call of someone else."

"Wow, you are really making this dream job sound real peachy." Retorted Antonio with a sarcastic roll of the eyes.

"You know what I mean. Public defending is good to get your foot in the door, but I don't just want to get my foot in the door. I want to knock it down. Make a real difference." Said Paul as he turned back around to the circular window encasing the Piltover skyline.

"Well as much as I'd like to stay and listen to another enthralling Paul Goodbrook speech, Councillor Salo is expecting me in his office in two minutes, so I'll see you later." Said Antonio as he begins collecting his things.

"Yeah of course. Thanks for this by the way." Thanked Paul as Antonio was already making his exit.

"No worries, Paul. Just remember, that's two drinks you owe me now." Called Antonio as he slipped through the door of Hoskel's office that seemed almost miles away from the desk. Paul chuckled to himself as he sank into the chair opposite the desk, letting out a deep sigh as he adjusted himself into it's soft leathery embrace. 'What are my future plans?' Paul thought as he stretched his legs out further, so that his toes lightly tapped the bottom of the desk. After some time, Paul began to feel the boredom setting in. He looked around for anything to occupy his attention with, and his eyes fell upon an odd circular device sitting on the desk. He couldn't believe he hadn't taken much note of it before. Paul examined the unique runes encased by small rings of gold, and after studying it for some time, he came to a realisation. That was a children's toy. Paul's mind raced back through the eight years of his life he had given to Hoskel, searching for any recollection of him seeing or hearing anything about any of Hoskel's children, but nothing came to the surface. Does Hoskel keep his children a secret for some strange reason, or does Hoskel enjoy playing with toys designed for children?

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