Chapter 21: Happy Progress Day

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Paul could hardly believe that it had been just short of a year since his journey as a lawyer properly began. He felt as though the year passed in the blink of an eye, with the Orys Kargen trial feeling as if it occurred only a day ago.

As it did every year, Piltover became a bustling hub of activity, with scholars, patrons and wealthy business representatives traveling into the city of progress from all over the world. Everyone wanted to be a part of the day that would signify what the future of Hextech would look like for the following year.

Due to the fact that the day was something of an annual holiday for the residents of Piltover, Paul set his opening hours to end at 10am, providing him with a few hours of work but plenty of time to enjoy the festivities. He had been offered a premium invitation to all of the high-end events of the day, courtesy of Councillor Hoskel, who not doubt wanted to catch up with Paul and hear about the fruits of his labours.

Over the course of his handful of consultations that Paul hosted before he closed the office for the day, he would occasionally eye the new suit that he had bought for the day. When the last of his clients had departed, Paul promptly changed out of his work suit and slipped into the cyan shirt and the cream blazer and trousers he had bought for the day. As he was sorting out his yellow and blue polka dot tie, he heard the creak of his office door open. Josy's comely figure stepped through, smirking at Paul's special attire.

"Look at you all dressed up. This has got to be the most...eye catching suit you've ever worn." Smiled Josy as she approached Paul.

"It's Progress Day. You got to make the effort." Shrugged Paul with a smirk of his own. He then moved to adjust his tie, but Josy put a gentle hand on Paul's chest as she began adjusting it herself. "You know I can do It myself." Added Paul with a smirk.

"Oh I know, but as you said, it's a big day today, so you have to make the effort. I'm just making sure you look your best." As she gently moved and tightened Paul's vibrant tie, causing Paul's heart to beat even faster from being so close to Josy and from feeling her soft fingertips occasionally trace along his shirt. Her sweet scent nearly wafted Paul into a deep trance before her voice pulled him back into the moment. "There, all done." Finished Josy as she dusted Paul down. Her eyes then flicked back up to Paul's and he fought to not get lost in her intoxicating sapphires. "You look positively dashing." Commented Josy as she put on an overly posh voice, which Paul smiled at. After a few silent moments, Paul realised that she had not stepped back, leaving the pair's lips mere centimetres apart.

'Oh shit. Do I kiss her now?'

Paul's heart rate spiked, rivalling the stress he had felt when he ventured into the undercity. However, before he could overthink the moment anymore, Josy abruptly turned around as if the intimate moment never even occurred.

"Well run along now, or else you will be late. Didn't Hoskel's invite say to meet him at the fair grounds at 11?" Asked Josy as she stopped halfway through the office door.

"Yeah, yeah don't worry, I'll be fine." Replied Paul, but just as Josy was about to exit the office, Paul called out, causing her to pause once more. "Hey Josy. Do you want to go with me as a plus one? I'm sure Hoskel won't mind." Offered Paul, partly regretting that he ever spoke in the first place, worried she would see it as him asking her out.

"I'd love too Paul, but with you running off to mingle with high society, someone's got to slog through all the paperwork." She replied, causing Paul's heart to drop as he forced out the lump in his throat.

"You sure? I think you'd look great in a high-end dazzling dress." Responded Paul with a smirk.

"Oh I absolutely know I would, but duty calls." Playfully countered Josy. "Besides, you've earnt a change to revel in your in success. It's been a long year, so go and enjoy yourself. Progress Day is only once a year, and I'll still be here tomorrow." Finished Josy, making Paul's mind flood with conflicting thoughts.

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