Chapter 12: The Job Gone Wrong

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As it turned out, Paul's latest scheme bore many varying ranges of delicious fruit. As soon as the pneumatic tube system was set up, it took a matter of days for Paul to begin getting messages through the pipeline. Many interesting cases arose from this new development, albeit most of them were considered as minor misdemeanours and petty crimes. Vandalism, shop lifting, disorderly conduct and trespassing were some of the more common cases he had to deal with. He even had to work a case about public masturbation, which did prove an interesting day at the office. The many enforcers of the department had begun to know Paul quite well, with many internally groaning at his presence, knowing that the 'Magic Man' had come to spring their culprit out of trouble. Pretty much all of his clients of the following four months were either from southside or the undercity, with Paul only having to deal with a few clients from Piltover who were on the lower end of the economic pyramid. For those four months, Paul was able to rack up a very tidy monthly profit rate, with clients of Paul Goodbrook feeling very brave with the Goodbrook tube in their pockets. Paul would never condone the act of committing crimes, but he didn't complain about the drastic increase in business. However, things would change quiet drastically for Paul when he received a blank tube, with only a poorly written name signed on it that was hardly legible.


It was not uncommon, as many citizens of the undercity were illiterate, but this particular case plunged Paul deeper into a world he had only briefly flirted with in the past.

Paul confidently strode up to the double doors of the station he had become very familiar with due to his increased number of clients calling for his aid. He firmly held the personalised tube in hand as he pushed open the doors with the other, briefly checking the time on his newly purchased silver and gold rimmed watch to ensure he hadn't kept his newest client waiting too long. It was a nice piece, with the store he acquired it from having close ties with Councillor Hoskel, due to him being a regular customer. Another benefit of his increased quantity of clients that he was able to work with through his most recent marketing push. Many of the enforcers inside snuck disapproving looks towards Paul as he strode through the foyer, but he ignored them as he made his way over to Artos.

"Morning Artos. Another client for me." Greeted Paul as he flashed the tube in Artos' direction.

"What's this poor fellows' name?" Asked Artos with a smile as he scanned through the logbook in front of him.


After a few moments of scanning, Artos' eyes lit up as he placed his finger on the page.

"He's in holding cell A2. He got brought in about 30 minutes ago." Replied Artos as he looked back up to Paul.

"Anything you can tell me about him from what you saw?" Asked Paul.

"Well, he's clearly one of your...less well-off clients. Looks like he was a bit roughed up when he was brought in." Explained Artos as Paul simply nodded along, already painting a plan of his approach. "You know where you are going?"

"Of course, Artos, this is practically my home away from home." Replied Paul with a smile, drawing a chuckle from Artos. They both made their way to the heavy-duty door that sat to the left of Artos. He unlocked the doors for Paul, leading to the pair sharing a brief nod before Artos' closed it behind him.

Paul began striding down the corridor, spying the staircase that led up to the Sheriff's office, and down towards the holding cells. He briefly nodded to the cleaner that was busy at work scrubbing the floor to a pristine shine before his attention was pulled to one of the interrogation rooms just up the path. He could hear muffled voices, so he snapped his fingers to the cleaner, grabbing his attention, before pressing his fingers to his lips. The cleaner stopped mid scrub, looking up at Paul with confusion. The only noise that could be heard was the slight murmurs, confirming Paul's suspicions.

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