Chapter 16: Welcome to the Playground

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Paul yawned as the evening descended upon the streets of Piltover, with Josy politely ushering their final client out of the door, allowing their professional facades to fade away. Paul slumped further back into his office chair, breathing out a deep sigh of relief, content with the day's work. He looked over his various forms and documents that were scattered over his desk and was about to start packing away, but he heard the shuffling of his secretary outside and decided he wanted to see her again one last time before the day was done. He opened the door from his officer into the waiting room to see the brunette who always had a presence somewhere in his thoughts. She was leant over so slightly over her desk, filling away the various pieces of paperwork that were neatly organised on her desk. Her deep blue skirt and blazer aligned with the colours of house Goodbrook, with the colour becoming something of an unofficial uniform for Paul. The pencil skirt she was wearing was not designed to be provocative, but it did not hide her shapely figure. The sound of Paul opening the door did attract Josy's attention, so Paul made sure his eyes were not wandering to places where they shouldn't be.

"That's a wrap folks." Smiled Paul, which Josy returned.

"I was thinking about something. We should get a play area or something." Stated Josy as she continued filing away the paperwork into the various drawers of her desk.

"Play area? You getting that bored out here?" Replied Paul with a wry smile. Josy chuckled slightly as he lightly punched Paul on the shoulder.

"No, I'm serious. We seem to get quite a few kids coming in with their parents, so if we set up a corner of the room with some crayons or toys or something, it could make things easier for potential clients if their children are occupied before they come and see you." Explained Josy as she stood back up, gesturing to the corners of the office as she explained her idea. Paul couldn't fault the logic, with his mind going back to young Dacey Redwin and the little drawing she made that was hung up in Paul's office.

"Yeah, that could work. Only problem is we'd need to jig things around a little bit to make room."

"Well for a big strong man like yourself, that should not be a problem should it." Added Josy with a wry smile of her own, with Paul looking at her with mock surprise.

"Are we being clever Miss Rosby."

"Perhaps." She responded her, wry smile only growing.

"Well, I'll have you know that I am the biggest and strongest man in all of Piltover." Replied Paul, puffing out his chest ever so slightly.

"Bigger than Jayce Tallis? I heard he's meant to be quite the sight, which I suppose is to be expected for a family of smiths." Pondered Josy in an innocent tone.

Paul did not know why, put her comments about the wonder boy of Piltover unsettled Paul slightly. He knew it was a joke, but he couldn't help but feel something.

"Are we crushing on Jayce Tallis?" He shot back with a smirk.

"Are getting jealous of Jayce Tallis?" Responded Josy without missing a beat, her smirk surpassing Paul's, which did stump the lawyer.

"W-What? No, of course not, why would I be jealous." Stammered out Paul in a tone that he cursed himself for rambling out, to which Josy's smirk only grew.

"Don't worry Paul. I'm sure you could beat him in an arm wrestle if that makes you feel better." Said Josy as she lightly squeezed Paul's bicep, surprising Paul with her touch. "I mean look at these. I'm sure you break him in two." She added with a smirk, looking up at Paul with a gaze that drove Paul mad. He quickly composed himself, sensing an opening.

"I could prove it you know." He stated confidently.

"Oh really? How?"

"I could lift you up and throw you out the door with ease for teasing your boss in such a cruel manner." Paul explained with mock anger. Josy chuckled before letting her hand fall from Paul's arm.

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