Thank You Reader

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And that is a wrap. Thank you all for reading this book. I put so much effort into this story and I am very proud of the result. I hope you enjoyed the way I slotted Paul into the show, as I loved the idea of crafting a story that adds to context to the show, with quality writing that would fit into the story of the series. That is why I never changed any scenes from the show, I only added scenes either before or after a scene we see in this series (eg: Paul visiting Caitlyn after Jayce leaves in episode 4 and Paul seeing Sevika after her short section in the episode 9 ending montage).

This is only the beginning as well, as I'm happy to announce that the chapter by chapter breakdown for Sins of the Past/Season 2 is already finished, and I have already begun writing the next book. The first chapters won't come out for a number of weeks, but it will begin at some point in the summer.

I say that because I am going to be going travelling in September, which means that Sins of the Past will be put on hiatus for a long time. Rest assured, I will finish The Arcane Trilogy, as I have already planned it out. Even if Season 2 comes out before it's conclusion, it will be finished. I won't change huge details either (maybe a few minor lore details might be tweaked, but that is it) as the story has already been set in motion.

Once again, thank you so much for taking the time to read this. If you did enjoy it, please share this with people you know, as I would love to receive feedback for this book. I've only written a few chapters of Sins of the Past, so I would love to get feedback on my writing from a varied amount of people. I want to be challenged, as I believe that is the only way I will improve as a writer. For that same reason, if you have the time, if you could leave a review, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you again for your time, and I look forward to continuing this story with all of you.

The Arcane Trilogy: Better Call Paul - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now