Chapter 18: The Hearing of 'Matilda'

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The day of the hearing quickly came to pass, leaving Paul a less than ideal amount of time to mentally prepare. He knew he could do it, but he also knew that he had to be at his absolute best. The only problem was that Paul was unsure if his and Silco's view of success where one and the same, and as Sevika had made explicitly clear, the consequences for not living up to what was expected of him could prove fatal. However, Paul did receive a pleasant surprise as he approached the court room in the form of a sharply dressed dear friend.

"Ant? What are you doing here?" Asked Paul with genuine surprise as his friend swivelled around with a smile.

"Hopefully to ruin your day." Replied Ant with a smile, with Paul flashing him a confused glance.

"Mate, I'm now a proper lawyer now. I got a role as an attorney of the Piltover state government about a month and a half ago. It's gonna be me vs you in there." Explained Antonio as he nodded his head towards the court room with a small smirk on his face.

"Well, congratulations are in order. I'm proud of you. How high we have climbed ay." Congratulated Paul as he briefly reminisced of the years he had spent with Antonio, enjoying the brief moment of happiness that was shared between them.

"I know right. We were both nothing more than assistants about eight months ago, but look at us now." Commented Antonio in a cheerful tone as he too thought back on the past they had shared. "Of course, you are racking up a lot more money than me, so I've still got a ways to go." Added Antonio as he light jabbed Paul with his elbow. Paul laughed in response, more so over the irony of his jab.

"You could say that Ant, but I'm sure you will get there. It took a few months for me to really start turning a good profit." Responded Paul as Antonio simply shrugged in response. "Oh, how are you an Elora? Have things gone well?" Asked Paul, causing his friends smile to grown even wider, stretching from ear to ear.

"We're going for drinks at the end of the week. I'm nearly fucking there mate." Gleefully exclaimed Antonio, with Paul forced to smile at his friend's jovial and elated visage.

"Well done Ant. I hope it goes well with you two. I really do." Added Paul as a warm wave washed through him as he felt genuine happiness for his friend's success. His mind briefly went back to Josy, but Antonio's voice pulled him back into the moment.

"And I hope you are ready to get your shit stomped in there." Proclaimed Ant with a laugh as he gestured to the court room, causing Paul to react in mock anger.

"Oh, it's on now. You need to be knocked down a peg or two."

"Those sound like fighting words." Remarked Antonio as his smile grew.

"You better believe it. You are gonna be going 1 v 1 against Paul Goodbrook, and I have a habit of winning."

"Who was it that needed to be knocked down a peg or two?" Asked Antonio with a sense of mock confusion.

Paul chuckled at that, as he offered his for his friend to shake, which he did.

"May the best man win." Said Paul as his tone dropped into a more relaxed but more serious tone.

"Of course." Replied Antonio in kind.

Soon after, the court room opened up and both sides entered and prepared their stations. The very thinned out audience made their way in for the hearing, with the most noteworthy spectators being the families of the slain enforcers. The emotions on their faces varied, with some in states of sadness and despair, others in disbelief, and a few in states of anger and disdain that they kept bottled up. As Paul looked around the court room to the audience, he saw his plants in place, choosing not to focus to long on the families of the deceased. He looked over his notes as he awaited the arrival of Sevika.

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