Chapter 4: Paul Goodbrook, Attorney at Law

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Paul had only recently come down off the high the trial had risen him to. He sat there in Hoskel office as the evening sun began to set trying to contemplate why he felt the way that he did. The mighty Orys Kargen, an incredibly influential individual, a man who could easily kill Paul if he decided that enough was enough, but Paul was untouchable to him. He turned someone far more important than him into a rambling rage filled beast for all to see. Why did that make him feel this way? He decided to leave that thought alone for now and simply enjoy this victory. He accepted the wine glass being offered to him by Councillor Hoskel.

"I must say Paul, that was nothing short of exceptional." Started Hoskel as he sipped some more of his wine.

"Well, it was nothing sir." Countered Paul with a shrug. "Just me doing my job."

"But that's the thing, it wasn't. I don't pay you for that, but you definitely should be." Said Hoskel. "And watching you up there really made me consider something. How would you like me to be your sponsor for your own private law firm?" Offered Hoskel.

Paul was at a loss for words, but a nagging thought from the trial clawed at his mind.

"That would be amazing sir." Exclaimed Paul.

"Wonderful." Proclaimed Hoskel as he reached for his gold ornamented pen.

"There is one thing I wanted to talk to you about, sir. Regarding the trial." Said Paul, cutting off Hoskel as he was about to put pen to paper. He slowly put it back down before straightening his back and grasping the edges of his high collar.

"Very well. Whatever is the matter? We won. That is what is most important." Explained Hoskel as he eyed Paul curiously. After a deep breath, Paul spoke.

"Did you know the stoves were faulty?" Asked Paul, remaining very neutral and calm in his tone.

Hoskel was not taken back by this, almost as if he was expecting this to come up sooner rather than later.

"Does this have anything to do with you imploring me to not stand as a witness?" Asked Hoskel, to which Paul simply nodded. Hoskel then let out a deep sigh. "As you know, we have been rather busy as of late. Brynden's expansions have been very profitable from a financial perspective, but this has presented a staffing issue. We have been having to redirect a lot of resources towards Demacia, so some of our products being shipped here to Piltover are suffering in quality. Though I never could have foreseen an incident like this occurring." Explained Hoskel, sounding somewhat saddened, but whether that was for the situation of the company or the fact that Paul had caught him out, Goodbrook couldn't tell.

"You know I had to lie to the primary witness." Stated Paul, his tone remaining fairly serious. "I established details in their testimonies outside the trial, submitted it on their behalf with a bullshit story about why they requested me to submit the evidence and had to pretend that they wrote the whole thing without external influence. All of the points I brought up in the trial were established from me questioning the witness outside of the court. Depending on who you ask, that can be classed as witness tampering. I had to commit a felony for you Hoskel." Explained Paul, jabbing his finger into the desk.

Hoskel let out a deep sigh.

"I understand and know that I am eternally grateful for everything you did. I wish it didn't come to this, but it did, and all we can do is make the most of the messes we find ourselves in." Started Hoskel in a more reserved tone than he normally spoke in. "If you have ever placed value on my guidance Paul, hear me now. I had to learn a very important lesson when I was around your age, and it has changed me for the better ever since. There are only winners and losers in life and the winners are those who write the history books. We won, that's all that matters." Continued as Hoskel took a sip from his wine. "So, how would you like to win more?" Said Hoskel with a smile.

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