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---- Year 6 (Age 10) -----

When the boys turned 10, they began learning about the different genders that they would soon present as, either Alpha, Beta, or Omega. They had grown up around the genders, of course, but some details begin to be taught as pups grow old enough to understand them. The kids around them began to try and figure out which gender they and their friends would present as. Their pre-judgment split friend groups apart before any presenting had happened. The Meyers boys had kept mostly to themselves, saving them from the drama of those around them, but they still saw the effects every day at school

"What do you think we'll be, Eddie?!" Harry bounces around between his brothers as they walk through the halls of their school to their next class.

"It doesn't really matter, although I think I know what you'll be, Hazza." Marcel answers for his brother, who is trying to make a way through a large crowd of theatre kids that had just exited their class into the hallway before them.

"Oh! Really?! What?! Please tell me!!!" Harry latches on to Marcel's arm and, while walking with Edward in front of them, hangs on him, making it awkward for Marcel to walk without falling into Harry, causing him to trip. Edward, who had gotten through the crowd, had retaken his place next to Harry as this all was happening. He reaches out and steadies both boys, freeing Marcel from Harry's grip enough that they can continue their journey down the hall.

"Harry, calm down. The only thing that really happens when we present is even more division, and then people who you thought were your friends turn their back on you when you don't meet their expectations. Then, according to everyone, it's all that matters finding your mate. Nothing else matters except status and your mate if you ever find them." Edward grumbled.

"But Eddie," Harry semi-gasps, "that's the best part! Well, not the division, that part's stupid! Like, why is being an Omega so horrible?! I think being an Omega would be wonderful, just like being an Alpha would, although maybe not as much," (he said this part quietly, to himself more than his brothers, although they still heard, considering he had been speaking quite loudly before, announcing his opinions to the hallway) "and even a Beta wouldn't be horrible, except you never really find a mate." He becomes dejected at this last statement, pondering life without a mate for about 5 seconds before he concludes that, while sad, he would still find someone for him to be with, eventually..... possibly..... maybe.

By this point, the boys are seated at their desks in their Gender Dynamics class, which would be a combined class until the students presented in the coming years, at which point they would be divided to learn the ins and outs of their gender. At least, that's what the curriculum said. In reality, they were broken into separate classes to ingrain the societal expectations of each gender, whether that be housekeeping, power-ruling, or staying-out-of-the-other-gender's-way, you can probably guess which is which.

"Hazza, calm down, you're only going to worry yourself more the longer you think about it and then you won't be able to do your homework. And you know mum and father don't like that. We need to get-"

"Our best marks, I know, Marcel. Ugh, I hate it, so what if I have one bad day, it's not going to be the end of the world at this age." Harry pouts into his arms that he had crossed on the desk in front of him. Edward and Marcel look at each other over Harry's slouched form, shrugging their shoulders hopelessly. Harry had always been the most lively of the group, energetic and fun-loving, but would oftentimes sink low emotionally just as quickly. Edward and Marcel, who were a little more level emotionally, are used to these mood swings and never worry too much. They know the signs of when Harry is actually troubled by something that he won't quickly bounce back from, and on those occasions, they are there for him, just as he is there when they need him.

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