Given up

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A few days later, the boys meet up with Jay at the clinic, where she had, with her authority, scheduled a room for them, so they could stay together and have privacy while they had a standard check-up. Jay meets them outside, guiding them into the room without having to check in or bother with anyone else. 

"My friend will be in in just a moment. She's finishing with another appointment." Jay shows them to sit, having Harry on the table with his mates around him within reach. Harry glances around the room, taking in the posters. He spots one on Omegan pregnancy, male and female, and eyes it for a little longer before he glances around at his brothers to see if they had seen him. Marcel is smiling fondly at the wall. Jay is watching him curiously, while Edward is looking right at him. 

"One day," Edward says simply. Harry blushes and looks down, as Edward reaches out to run his hands through Harry's hair. Harry leans into his touch, softly purring. 

"Does he purr a lot?" Jay asks.

"When all three of us are together, relaxing. Especially, when we pet him or do anything with his hair." Marcel answers. "Why? Is it not common?"

"Honestly, not really. But there's no harm. It just shows how relaxed and comfortable he is and, honestly, how little interaction he's getting from others. But given your situation, which he told me about, it's understandable and, because you just presented, nothing that can't be helped naturally. He just needs some social interaction apart from you two. You both have done great in the few months he's been presented, but he'll need more to really thrive."

"There's nothing we could have done?"

"No, there's not, you don't have to worry," Jay says, smiling kindly at the boys. 

The door opens soon after, causing Harry to sit up straighter, tensing at the newcomer. The scent that enters the room with her seems strangely familiar, like he knows the person, and his Omega relaxes because of this, chirping in greeting, which confuses him more than knowing the scent.

A kind-faced woman enters, having long dark, chocolate-brown hair that is slightly wavy. Although this feature is only seen in the few stray baby hairs that had escaped her bun. Her eyes are kind as well, almost laughing, with the light green mimicking a small forest clearing on a sunny day. The smile that graces her lips is welcoming, patient and understanding, putting patients at ease. 

Harry finds himself smiling timidly in greeting, Edward's hand still in his hair, although it has stopped moving at the presence of the newcomer. Marcel is looking from Harry to the woman, confusion clear on his face. Harry had never made that noise before, and Marcel was baffled by it. 

When the woman heard the chirp, she froze in the doorway. She quickly recollects herself, stepping the rest of the way in and closing the door, providing privacy. 

"Hello, boys. Hi, Jay," she greets them warmly, giving a nod to Jay. They may be friends, but Jay is still her Luna and they are in the presence of strangers. "What are your names?"

"You don't know?" comes Jay's response. The mates turn to Jay in confusion. Nothing seems to be making much sense today. 

"I only just met them, Jay. How could I know?"

Jay ignores her friend and turns to the boys. "This is my friend and colleague, Anne." She looks at Harry, who is glancing back and forth between the two women with a perplexed look on his face.

He feels like he knows 'Anne', his Omega seems to think so, anyway, and Jay's knowing smile and mischievous eyes seem to know more than she lets on. On looking back at Anne, his Omega chirps again, startling him, causing him to blush in embarrassment, looking down at his lap. Edward is now looking at him, perplexed at the sound Harry has made twice now. 

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