Stick Together

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---- Year 8 (Age 12) -----

As the boys got older, hiding their genders, while it became natural, became increasingly difficult. They could smell things others could not, (unless it was the teachers) and Edward and Marcel struggled to hide their developing Alpha bodies, mostly their strength. Harry, being an Omega, did not go through as many physical changes that needed to be hidden; his features cleared up, skin bright and delicate with wide curious eyes framed by long think eyelashes, his lips became more full, pillow-like and rose-coloured, and his hair became shinier, lushes long locks, small changes that, while maybe noticed by the teachers, his classmates were clueless. But his reliance on his brothers increased, making it difficult if they were in separate classes or if one of them stayed home.

In order to hide these changes, they decided to outwardly change in personalities as well. Edward started to go to gym class and participate in sports to hide his increased strength. Marcel became a "nerd" wearing looser, button-up shirts and long pants to hide his body changes, muscle definition, and height, as well as carrying around stacks of books and hunching over. Harry would often be seen with either of them or both, helping carry books for Marcel or cheering Edward on at his games, and oftentimes practices, sitting on the bleachers next to Marcel.

However, these new personalities at school did not go unnoticed by their schoolmates. Edward began to attract attention, from both the girls and boys, being flirted with, much to Harry's (and Marcel's) distaste, or boys wanting to hang out with him, both of which Edward tried to avoid as much as possible. Sadly, because of his chosen hiding place, their parents took notice and supported him, putting pressure on him to do well and practically forcing him to hang out with both the boys and the girls. 

Marcel, with his new look and accessories, became picked on, being teased and sometimes pushed around. Thankfully, the physical torment was minimal because Harry usually stuck to his side, and everyone liked Harry. Not because he was popular, or because he was good at anything, he usually tripped over his feet trying to help Edward practice any of the many sports. He was mostly liked because of his energetic, friendly nature, nice to everyone who smiled at him, which was often because he was quite cute, the klutzy little Bambi. 

At home, the boys are the same, at least with each other. They pretend to close themselves into their respective rooms, doing homework, playing video games, and reading. However, the boys had discovered that, in their walk-in closets, because their parents were that rich, was access to the attic. The attic was never used, not even for storage, leaving it empty. Over the past two years, the boys had slowly accumulated furniture, lighting, and heating, creating a cosy den, where they often retreated together to continue their old habits, talking, cuddling, and being in each other's presence and scents. 

Marcel had created a reading nook, tucked in a corner next to a window, which he had hung curtains from along with a small string of lights for when the sun had set. A bean bag chair, that Edward had originally received from their patents for his room, was heaped with blankets and pillows and was big enough for all three to cuddle together in, although it was not often done. 

Edward had set up a small workout area, with a few light weights, which wouldn't make too much noise if they fell, and a mat. He had also "donated" his old bed frame, which they had disassembled and lugged up the ladder piece by piece when his parents decided he had earned a new bed.

Harry had, with the help of his brothers, brought up his old mattress. When Edward had gotten his bed for their eleventh birthday, Harry began to complain about how his mattress was too old to support his growing body. This was his way of not raising the suspicions of their parents, as he had begun to show small differences in his body from those of his otherwise identical triplets, and furnish the bed that was now in their hideaway, which had quickly become his nest, collecting soft pillows and blankets, drenched in his and his brother's scents. 

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