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---- Five Months Later  (Age 15) -----

Over the next several months, the boys made preparations to move. They would take weekend trips, when Edward didn't have a game, to check out houses and apartments that fit what they needed. They also were looking at what colleges they would be able to attend after their last year, figuring out what they wanted to do and where it was offered. Once they settled on where they wanted to move, they began looking for jobs. When they had become old enough to begin working, they had quickly jumped at the chance to earn their own money. While their parents offered them jobs at their company, as their assistants, they politely declined, claiming they wanted to find their own thing. They really just didn't want to have to get away from them and find a new skillset when they moved later, especially since they didn't want them following or finding out about their plan.

It's now coming closer to their birthday. Their parents have become even more overbearing to Harry, watching him take the pill and checking his mouth after to assure he took it. His mates made sure to continue replacing them with birth control, communicating between the three of them so that there would be no mix-up.

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This morning, a week before their birthday, Harry had said that he hadn't felt good, deciding to stay home and call off work, retreating back into his room after taking his pill for their mum. Edward and Marcel didn't want to leave him alone, but their mum would have thrown a fit if she knew they had stayed to care for their brother. So, off to school they went.

At lunch, Edward weasels his way out of sitting with his group of fellow sports players to find his mate, who eats in the courtyard in a corner with his books. Usually, Harry would sit with him, but with him feeling ill, Marcel sat alone. 

"Hey, Marce," Edward sits next to his mate.

Marcel looks up from his book, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"Had to get away. Not feelin' like hangin' 'round them, not feelin' up for much really," Edward sighs.

"Same, I've been off since this morning, but not like Harry. Hope he's doing alright." Marcel leans into Edward, who puts his arm around his mate, rubbing his side in comforting strokes. 

"Yeah. Have you tried to text him?" 

"Yes, but no response. Even tried calling him, but it went to voicemail. Although, he might be sleeping." Marcel noses Edward's scent gland, scenting him.

"That's strange, but you could be right. To be honest, I'm not feeling too hot either." Edward runs his free hand through his long, curly hair. His is the longest of his mates, passing his shoulders so he is able to put it up in a neat bun. Harry's barely touched his shoulders, curling and bouncing with his step. Marcel's is the shortest, curling on top of his head in loose waves. 

"Think we should just head home? Or would that not be good with mum and father?"

Edward suddenly growls. His grip tightens around Marcel, fingers digging into his side. Marcel looks up to see what caused Edward to growl. Seeing nothing, he turns, just as Edward buries his face in his neck. Marcel's eyes widen before he realizes what's happening.

"Edward, we need to get home." He begins to move, but Edward tightens his grip not allowing him to move. "Edward, we need to get home." Marcel urges Edward up with him, trying to gather his and Edward's things. He finally gets him up, still buried in his neck, carrying both their bags. He tries to keep to less frequented hallways. Thankfully, it is lunch hour so not many people are around, most are in the cafeteria or class. 

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