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---- Year 11 (Age 15) -----

*Meet in den*

Harry clicks his phone off after seeing the text from his mate, getting up and heading to his closet where his ladder is put away. He is reaching up to pull it down when he hears his bedroom door open. Quickly, he drops back down and turns, as his mum calls out for him.

"In here, one sec." Harry ruffles his hair a bit to make it look like he put on a shirt. He exits the closet to see his parents sitting on his bed, which annoys him, only his mates are welcome to be there. Otherwise, other scents stink it up and he has to have his mates scent the bed again after he washes the linens. He knows this because Edward, at their parents' request, invited the football team over while he and Marcel were out and they had invaded his room, stinking everything up. "What did you need?" He asks curiously, his parents never come upstairs, let alone to his room.

"We just wanted to let you know what to expect with this next school year," his mum starts. "As you know, when you turn sixteen, you present."

"We want to prevent any pups from coming and ruining your future before it even starts," his father cuts in coldly, straight to the point, as usual. 

Harry must show his confusion on his face because his mum continues, "You need to take suppressants, starting today, to prevent you from going into rut." She holds out a red box with an expectant face. Harry hesitantly reaches for it, staring at the box with a mix of confusion, horror, and embarrassment. 

"Well, will do, I'll go put them in my bathroom to remember to take one tomorrow morning." He turns to leave, but his father stops him, saying,

"No, you need to take them now."

"B- but if I do, I- I can't take one tomorrow before school," Harry says, hoping he remembers enough to get out of taking one, scared it will mess with his wolf, being an Omega and all. 

"He has a point, dear," his mum backs him up.

"Fine, but you need to take it with breakfast, with one of us observing so we know you take it."

"Okay," Harry relents, setting them on his bathroom counter. "Is that all? Do you need anything else?"

"No, dear, just don't forget to bring those down to take them tomorrow before school." His mum and father get up to leave, leaving his door wide open, the opposite of what it was when they walked in, and retreat downstairs, where they live.

Harry heaves a sigh, catching a whiff of their scents still lingering in his room and scrunching his nose at them. He closes his door and retreats back into his closet to finally pull down the ladder and climb into their den.

"What took so long? I thought you were changing in your room and coming up?" Edward asks as soon as Harry's head is visible. 

"I was, but mum and father came in and needed to talk to me. They gave me suppressants. For ruts."  Harry rolls his eyes. "I almost had to take them just now, with them watching, 'cause 'they don't want pups ruining my future'" He brings his hands up to do air quotes, mocking his parents. 

"How'd you get out of it?" Marcel asks from where he's curled against Edward's side.

"I remembered you can't take them within 24 hours of each other without them seriously screwing you up, and thankfully mum backed me up. I don't know what I would have done if she hadn't." Harry flops on the bed and crawls up to where his mates are sitting against the headboard, laying on them with his face stuffed in Edward's chest, Marcel's free hand migrating to pet his hair. 

"Why do they want you on suppressants? They haven't even talked to either of us about presenting, let alone suppressants. Why you?" Marcel wonders aloud.

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