Intro Info

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The triplets were raised in a very uptight, traditional family. Now, if the triplets' DNA had conformed with society's ideals, this would have been fine. However, as these young boys would soon find out, they would have to fight for their lives and hearts.

(Since I am currently writing this, I am still figuring out minor worldbuilding things. As I write, I may update this page with new information as it comes out. Also note, I am in school, and it takes my priority, if the story lags, that's probably why. Thank you for your understanding)

Alphas: Protectors of their mates and families. They are oftentimes the providers, working to provide shelter and comfort for their loved ones.
-- Ruts every three months
-- Enhanced sense of smell, helps to find a mate and find contenders
-- Gowling is a territorial sound, whether claiming a mate, family or occasionally close friend, or a response to a challenge. Growling is also a comforting sound for the Alpha's mate(s), calming them and showing that they will protect and defend their mate(s) 
-- Alphas knot each other if they are mates, but only have to wait five minutes before they can pull out, unlike with Omegas, when they have to wait an hour

Omegas: Caretakers of their mates and families. They are oftentimes the housekeepers, although, if allowed by their Alpha or they are single, they can hold jobs of less demanding labour.
-- Heat every month until they bond and then they sync with their Alpha(s). Heats are how Omegas used to attract mates which is why they occur more frequently until the desired result is obtained
-- While an Omega's senses are not necessarily dull by themselves, when in the presence of their mate, they do dull, to decrease the ability to smell other Alphas
-- Omegas form bonds with each other to balance out their hormones; if spent too long in the presence of Alphas or even betas, Omegas become imbalanced and more likely to drop into Omegaspace
-- Chirping is a territorial sound, either to claim a potential mate or to claim family, even close friends, in greeting or when they feel like the member is being threatened
-- Chuffing is a sound of contentment, often in response to praise, or happiness of a situation, statement/comment, or action 
-- Purring is a sound of contentment, often in response to comfort. Purring only occurs when the Omega is completely relaxed with people to trust in an environment they know and trust
-- Omega's bodies in heat change to allow as much room for breeding. Their stomach shrinks (they don't need to eat during) and their wombs expand. They also are much more open at this time, not needing any preparation, while out of heat, they may need some or be worked up more before they are ready

Betas: "Common" people, they have a smell, same as Alphas and Omegas, but don't have the musk or sweetness the other genders have. They are often workforce, but they are completely able to be heads of organizations and companies. 
-- Most emotionally stable
-- Don't have heats or ruts, no knots or self-lubrication, no matter the gender
-- Can help Alphas and Omegas through their cycles and some do it for fun, they do need extra preparation
-- Don't have mates, but can settle down with Alphas, Omegas, or other Betas
-- Only female Betas can have offspring

Mates: a predetermined partner(s)

Bondmate: having a complete bond between mates

Bonding: knotting and marking with a bite - it can be anywhere, but most have the same spot they mark on all their partners 

Scent-marking: putting one's scent on another to claim or calm them

Scenting: smelling each other to find out where the other was and who with

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