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On Monday, three days later, the boys start at their new school. They are all a little nervous, as they do not know what to expect, and they are wary about making friends finally. They had decided that, even though both Jay and Anne, or mum, had said their mating is perfectly acceptable, they would wear scent blockers. They had chosen blockers that would block the gender smell, and not their family/personal smell, to make it less obvious. These blockers were usually used in public spaces when people didn't want to advertise their secondary gender. They also had covered their bite marks, more out of habit than anything. 

What makes Monday even more stressful for Harry is that he doesn't have the comfort of his mates to help him through the day. They had gotten into an argument (the first of their relationship), and Harry has yet to forgive them. When they had gotten home from discovering and meeting their mum, Harry had asked why Edward was so hesitant.

"Because she gave us up, Harry. I don't trust her, even if she says she's our mother. What mother gives up her children?!"

"You heard what she went through. She wasn't even mated and her husband abandons her. What if I was in her shoes? What would you have me do? Try to scrape by as best I could, or try to give my children their best shot in life, even if it means they never know who I am?"

"Harry, that will never happen to you. You should know that."

"I wasn't saying it would, I was asking what you would have me do!" Harry throws his arms out exasperatedly. 

"I would want you to have the pups, of course." Edward stubbornly refused to understand Anne's situation.

Harry had gone to bed ignoring his Alphas, sleeping on the edge with his back facing them that night. He had woken up snuggled to Marcel's chest, Edward sleeping on the other side of Marcel. He wasn't particularly mad at Marcel, he hadn't participated in the fight, but he also hadn't supported Harry either. So, Harry allowed himself to snuggle for a little while in Marcel's arms before getting up to make him and Marcel breakfast. He had felt petty that morning. 

While he had gone back to feeding all of them, Harry would only partake in civil conversation with Marcel, ignoring Edward unless absolutely necessary. This carried on to the first morning of school.

They all exit the car, having ridden together, Harry making a dash for the entrance to hide in the stream of students and hopefully find the office before his mates catch up to him.

Marcel sighs. He is getting tired of the fighting.

"This needs to stop, Ed. You're going to lose him if you keep this up."

"Me? What about you? He's ignoring you just as much." Edward is as stubborn as ever.

"I think you have failed to notice that he actually talks to me. Yeah, it's civil, but I know why. I haven't voiced my opinion yet, and he thinks I'm against him."

"You're not?!" Edward asks, incredulous.

"No, I'm not, but I am staying out of it. You either need to sort this out, or you will lose him. And I'm not going to choose you, Ed. Especially not for this." Marcel gives him a hard look before walking off to find Harry and the office.

Harry had gotten swept up in the crowd. He is now lost and in an unknown building without his mates. As mad as he is at them, he wishes he hadn't run off. He startles at a hand on his shoulder, turning to see who it is. An Alpha with bright blue eyes, feathery chestnut hair and prominent cheekbones is smirking down at him.

"Hey, cutie. You new here? You look lost." 

Harry cocks his head at the nickname, confused why the stranger used it. He is about to respond when he hears someone yelling not too far away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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