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---- One week later -----

A week later, the boys were completely moved in. Since they had moved in stages trying to slowly be prepared to move after the school year ended, they only had what they brought to unpack. This made time to relax after their heat and ruts and spend time together to recover from the whole ordeal of being thrown out.

They were working on getting transferred to the local high school early as well and meeting with the pack leader to talk about changing the agreement they had. Originally, they had arranged to be initiated into the pack after school let out. Now, they were there early, thanks to their parents, and were scrambling to be able to finish this year and make sure they were not known as trespassers on the pack lands, as they had bought a house here. Thankfully, they had enough money to last them until they started their jobs at the agreed-upon time without having to dip into their parents' money, so they had one less thing to worry about.

Having set an appointment with the Pack Alpha, known as the Lucero, the boys are on their way to the packhouse. Harry's leg is bouncing, anxious to not upset the Lucero with their new arrangement, while keeping quiet on why it happened, not knowing if this pack is as closed-minded as those in the city. He didn't want all their plans to be thrown in their face some more, after everything that happened last week.

"Hazza, Baby, calm down. You're shaking the car," Marcel chuckles, turning to look at his mate. When he sees his distress, he reaches out to hold Harry's knee, to stop the bouncing and to gain his attention. "What's wrong? You liked the Lucero last time."

"Yeah, but we were coming in the summer, three months from now, he might not want us here now. And he'll probably ask why the plans have changed and if we tell him, they may not be as excepting as we thought, they could be just like back in the city." Harry ends in a whine, reaching up to pull on his hair, which only makes him more stressed as he had styled it for this occasion hoping to make a good impression.

"Haz, if it bothers you that much, you don't have to talk. You hadn't presented last time you were here, I doubt they would care if the Omega doesn't speak. You might not even have to come in, since you are an Omega." While the three didn't like to even try to conform to many of society's demands, they were aware of them, including the oppression of Omegas, specifically mated Omegas.

Harry takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "Okay, thank you." He reaches for Marcel's hand on his knee and holds it for the duration of the ride, which helps keep him calm.

On reaching the house, they get out, letting Harry stand between them, holding their hands for comfort. Waiting for them on the porch, the Lucero and his Luna Omega stand, a small smile spreading on the Omega's face when she sees the boys' behaviours. They approach the pair, getting them with a head bow to show respect for the Lucero's position and power of the land they are on. Once, or if, they become a part of the pack, they will use the traditional greeting of drawing a crescent moon on their left cheek before raising their hand to point to the sky.

"Welcome boys, please come in and I'll put on the tea." The Luna greets them, turning the show the boys where to go. The Lucero follows them in, making sure the door is closed before continuing into the sitting room to the left of the entryway where the Luna had taken the boys.

Harry grips his mates' hands hard, probably causing pain to them, eyeing the room and glancing at the Alpha who is now sitting across from them.

"I see you have an Omega now," the Alpha smiles politely, "If I remember correctly, you weren't presented when I met you last. What's your name again?" He speaks directly to Harry, sensing his nerves.

"Harry, Alpha," he timidly answers before tucking his chin into his chest and cuddling up to Marcel, still holding Edward's hand. This is an often occurrence, Harry cuddling Marcel; it's not because he likes Marcel more, or he finds more comfort in him. Really it comes down to, if someone is going to protect them from an attack, it's Edward. This system is how they work, Marcel protects by shielding, while Edward protects by defending.

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