10 | Right Hand

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ALYONA'S DECIDED SHE doesn't want to come home and would rather risk her life than do so. Which, as you can imagine; upsets me. She's not only putting herself in danger - she's putting me and the others that are left over in danger as well.

Eka misses her, I miss her, we want her home - and even if home is the mafia, we can find our home in each other like we always have. I mean, I've been doing that for ten years, she's been doing it her whole life, all we need to do is persevere as usual, and everybody stays alive. 

The longer Alyona stalls, the angrier her father gets. The angrier Ivan gets, the lower his mafia member's lifespan gets. 

When you're in the mafia, you learn what you can and can't do. Whether you were taken under someone else's command, or saved like I was, you eventually get the memo that your loyalty lies with one person. 

As Ivan Ivanov's right hand, loyal is something I have to be. What makes me different than other right hand's however, is my loyalty ends at his blood. Not him. I may be under his allegiance, but I am under Alyona's loyalty. I will pick her over him, even if it sheds the blood of others. 

Alyona's going to come home one way or another. She has to. I don't want to play the villain, I don't want to have to be the one that takes her home, but I know it's what has to be done; for everyone. 

And if that makes me a villain, then so be it. 

The last thing I expected to find Alyona with at the mall today was friends

I knew she'd be there, tracing her is a part of my current job, but I didn't know she'd be so close and comfortable with someone - especially someone I know she's known a week. 

It took Alyona a month to even have a full conversation with Eka and I. I remember it as clear as day. She was eight - sharing the same age as Eka -  I was around sixteen at the time. We were cutting apple slices on a dagger as Eka tapped away on her laptop. 

Alyona only talked when talked to. She only answered in five words at most - and she only ever initiated conversation if necessary. Of course she was different when it came to company considering she would follow me around like a puppy and copy my moves in training 24/7.

I asked her what her favourite thing to do was; and she went on a rant. A rant - which may seem normal to a human - but not normal to someone as inhumane as Alyona. 

Eka laughed, teased her. I agreed and encouraged her - and from then on - the three of us were bounded. We were a family. A small one, but a real one. One from different corners of society. 

From a kid who had a mom and a dad but never a family, they mean a lot. 

Alyona did let one thing slip though. The detective's name. The one who shut the door on my face last I saw her, and the one I am definitely not very fond of. 

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