36 | Fearless

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FAITH WASN'T MEANT to be here. 

I mean, I'm glad she is - shows real initiative. That she's smart and cares about me. Which are things I already knew - trust me - but now...there's not much room for lies. 

To lie about what happened just now. To lie about who I am. And to lie about who I've had to become. 

"What...is going on?" Faith's words are slow, almost quivering as she stares at the scene splayed across my bedroom. 

Ah. That. 

Well, I could just answer honestly. A certain group of masked people tried to fuck with me and they got what they had coming. But right now, a response like that would probably only further confuse Faith - and in the wrong direction. 

Up until now she thought I lived a sheltered life away from the outside world and dramatics until recently. Then she found out I lied about Alexei and who he was. What she didn't know is that I lied about who I was as well. 

Or, am. 

"I don't know." I say almost truthfully. Seriously. I don't know why these three men bombarded me this afternoon. I don't know their motive, I only know my defense and what I did to them. 

"Yes you do." She shakes her head.

"Seriously," My voice almost turns to a plea, almost, "They came for me. I did what I did. It still doesn't change the fact I don't know what's going on." 

Faith warily walks into the room, finally, and crouches down next to one of the unconscious men. She puts her fingers to his neck - his pulse - and stays silent for a moment. 

"Alive." She says. 

I don't care.

"Good." I pretend. 

"There are more," She says, "At your school. Today. A shooting." 

"That's why you're here?" I ask. 

"I heard the shooters were Italian and got a hunch they could be looking for you," She shrugs, "It was only reasonable they would send a few over here in case you were sick or something."

"Wait, they're at school? My school? Right now?" I ask, eyes drawn and tone serious. 

"Yes. We have people on the scene." Faith nods. 

Liza's there. Eka is too. Two people - probably at the top of my important people list - are currently in the middle of a school shooting.

Eka is either shitting herself or laughing under a table about America and how this is cliche.

I don't know about Liza. I've only ever seen her as brave. 

A cold hearted bitch who's selfish and doesn't take hints and likes to flaunt all her money but then also flaunt how she thinks you're pretty, saying shit about not being straight to a person she knows is gay but then flirting with her boyfriend a day later-

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