49 | Aly's Arsenal

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OSWEGO IS KIND of bland. 

The population is around seventeen-thousand according to Faith and her crazy research. 

If we were going to get souvenirs, all we could get was probably one of their hotdogs. They don't even have any nearby souvenir shops to get anything. 

That doesn't stop Jake from filling his pockets with weird key chains and nick nacks. Faith said something about him stopping and being careful earlier - but...he's really good at it. So she just stopped asking. 

We arrived at the port around an hour ago, and right now all we're doing is waiting by the water until Eka finishes gathering coordinates or something. She says if there's a base underwater, you can't just swim to find it. There has to be an opening, somewhere, and with her skills - we should be able to find it soon enough. 

While she sits on the end of harbour, legs dangling and laptop open, Jake joins her with a red icicle in hand. She takes it, makes him blush - and in all my years knowing her, I never thought she'd have the capacity to make a football captain fall for her. 

But she surprises me everyday. 

Faith walks up beside me as I view the pair, handing over an ice cream cone with a flake which I take eagerly. 

Her sleeves are rolled up thanks to the heat, hair tied up into a loose braid that cascades down her back. What I'm trying to say is that she looks hot as fuck and is probably going to take down her enemies in fashion. 

"Thank you." I say softly, pointing my eyes out into the ocean. Or lake. Whatever it is, ask geography not me. 

"No problem." She returns, undoing the packaging of a ben and jerry's cup before digging into it with her spoon. 

"It's going to start getting cold in a month or two." I say, licking my ice cream. 

"We should probably treat this trip as a vacation then." She jokes. 

I smile softly, keeping my eyes out at the water. I feel that if I just jumped in and held my breath long enough, I could swim those twenty thousand feet down. I could throw my fist through the wall of whatever base my father has made and reach her.

If only I weren't a mortal. They say immortals hate their lives and that there was a price to pay for them to be as invincible and strong as they are. I think that's fucking bullshit. 

"Are you nervous?" Faith asks. 

I shake my head, "I'm relaxed." 

"What are you thinking?" She asks, maybe for her own amusement. 

I turn my head from the sea and finally look at her, "I'm thinking it's about damn time they get what they deserve." 

"Amen," She grins, "You gonna bury your father with anything?"

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