Chapter Nine || The Return of Shift

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(No pov)
!!Fighting, yelling, and blood!!
-Two days later-

Wilbur was getting ready for his regular patrol in his bedroom like normal, he'd just gotten back from a date with Dream where they went out for dinner at a skyscraper restaurant before laying on a grassy hill and watched the stars while talking about life.

Wilbur was happy and had a wonderful time, he was sad that he had to work after though- maybe Dream could've come back to Wilbur's house and watch a movie with him- or Wilbur could've shown him a song he'd been working on.

The date had distracted him from recent events as well, some good, like Sam and Dream getting their invention approved (They'd named it the Ability Training and Identity Analyzing Program- ATIAP for short though.) Dream and him had celebrated by going to the movies and out for dinner.

Some bad, like the fact that Tommy had practically disappeared off the face of the earth and hadn't been contacting them. It hit Phil, Techno, and him quite hard. Techno thought it was his fault and wouldn't talk often while Phil threw himself into his work.

Wilbur frowned at the memory and was finishing up his Hero's outfit by adding his mask when Techno burst into the room.

Wilbur jolted in shock and dropped the mask while looking at his worried and panicked brother- something was wrong. Techno was never panicked or worried.

Wilbur picked up the mask and rushed to his brother who was holding onto the doorframe, Techno looked at Wilbur before speaking, "Dad has something important to tell you- come on." He said quickly before grabbing Wilbur's wrist and dragging him out of the room.

Techno had dragged him to Phil's office, where he threw open the door, startling Phil.

Phil's office was a large, spacious, room. Bookshelves lined the walls as well as drawings from Wilbur, Techno, and Tommy as well as framed photos of their achievements. A colour rug was in the centre of the room with a light wood desk on top of it, a laptop was crooked on the desk with neat stacks paper beside it, and behind was everything was two large glass doors that led out to a balcony with an excellent view.

"Dad? What's wrong?" Wilbur asked right away, Techno let go of his wrist as Phil began to speak.

"The higher-ups just called, there's an explosion down town and it's an all-hands-on-deck situation." Phil explained and speed-walked over to Wilbur and snatched his mask and began tying it onto his son's face.

"Hurry over there, Vigilantes are helping evacuate people and have agreed to not get close, so don't go after them unless they get involved in the fight. Ignite and Devilish are already there." Phil explained as he tightened the mask, "We'll meet you there." Techno chimed in, "Hurry and go."

Wilbur nodded, and ran past both before throwing the glass doors open and flying into the sky.

He could see the spoke from his house, the ominous rising grey pillar in the sky was a beacon of where to go. Wilbur flapped his wings and sped through the skies before landing on a building across the street from a smoking, fiery, wreckage.

Siren began to scope out the wreckage that was slowly passing the fire to other buildings, he saw civilians running away from ruined building as many vigilantes pointed and helped them get away. He recognized Enderian, Mellohi, and who he thought was a retired vigilante, Bombee.

Through the thick plumes of smoke and fire, Siren saw someone- multiple someones. He recognized Ignite, Fern, and Devilish all there- and someone fighting them through the smoke.

At first he thought it was Medallion, the blond vigilante who was an accomplice to many villains, but then he saw Ares, Detonate, Angel, and finally, Zero, to his horror. Siren realized who he was seeing.

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