Chapter Thirteen || The Party

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(No pov)

Nothing had happened since that encounter with Shift. He'd practically disappeared off the face of the earth while the heroes planned a party a fucking party while an insane person wandered free.

It annoyed Wilbur a lot, but he couldn't do anything to stop it and Phil had already told the City Council to put extra security on the party.

So here he was, getting ready for this fancy party that was most likely going to go south. Wilbur put on a white poet's shirt and black pants with leather combat boots. He had preened his wings and combed his hair enough that it was still curly yet neat at the same time, he put in his contacts and put his mask on.

Wilbur supposed he was ready, so he added a few pieces of jewelry anyway. A golden necklace, dangly silver earrings, and a few rings. He looked at him self in the mirror, he looked pretty, in his opinion.

So, Wilbur left his room. He was picking Dream up in about fifteen minutes to head to the party, Wilbur ran down the stairs and into the living room where he found Tommy and Techno- Phil was helping set up the party.

Tommy was wearing a white button down shirt, blue jeans, and red converse. His hair was a mess and he wore emerald earrings, but he seemed formal nonetheless.

Techno wore his regular hero's outfit excluding his mask, settling for a regular red mask instead. His braid had emerald, sapphire, topaz, and ruby beads braided into the ribbons, he also wore more jewellery as well. He opted for rose quartz earrings, a golden necklace, multiple bracelets, and a few rings. He also had a bejewelled sword strapped to his back.

"Evening," Wilbur greeted his brothers, Techno nodded to him while Tommy waved. "Excited for the party?" He asked. Tommy violently began nodding, "Fuck yeah! Tubbo and Ranboo are going, we're going to get so many girls!" He exclaimed loudly in a joking tone.

Techno snorted while Wilbur laughed lightly, "I bet you will." Was what he responded with before looking at the clock. "Shoot, I got to go now- I'll see you guys at the party!" He yelled as he ran out of the living room and out the front door.

He hopped into his car and started it up before driving off. He wanted to be early for Dream so that they could have a little more time together before the party started. It was already dark out, and many fancy cars were on their way to City Hall.

Wilbur drove through the winding streets of the city and to the Tech Lab, Dream had work before the party and was getting ready there. He eventually pulled up to the Tech Lab and parked before getting out.

He waited outside of his car, leaning on the door and fiddling with his rings as he waited for Dream.

Minutes later, Dream hurried out of the building. He had a work bag on his shoulder but wore a white button up shirt with black pants and black dress shoes with green laces. His hair was fluffed up and he wore jade and silver earrings, he had a golden ring on his right ring finger as well.

Dream saw Wilbur and his eyes lit up as he ran towards him, Dream eventually stopped in front of Wilbur and leaned up to kiss him. "Hi." He greeted with a grin.

Wilbur smiled and responded with, "Hey," before he sealed the gap between their lips, he wrapped his arms around Dream's waist while the dirty blond wrapped his arms around Wilbur's neck.

Dream giggled once they parted, Wilbur smiled and opened the car door for him. Dream slid into the passenger's seat and placed his bag into the backseat

Wilbur closed the door before walking around and sliding into the drivers seat, the couple put their seatbelts on as Wilbur drove off to City Hall- Dream held his hand the entire way which made him blush.

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