Chapter Fifteen || Shift

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(No pov)

It'd taken a day.

24 hours to establish a proper plan and demanding the council to approve it. They did, after a few hours and out of fear the President Schlatt would go after them if they refused.

Wilbur went home after that, anxious and worried. The rescue and arrest mission was planned for tomorrow- but what if they couldn't get there in time? What if Shift had killed his hostages and unleashed his plan by the time they got there? What was his plan?

Wilbur spent the entire evening preparing for the rescue, he ate and did his usual nightly routine before going over his preparations and deeming them ready.

He had multiple knives ready, a specialized voice-changer that could, potentially, hold off Shift long enough that they stop the plan and, hopefully, save the hostages. The voice-changer also helped him hold commands longer and make more of them without his throat stopping him.

He sat on his bed and thought, who was going in with them? He knew Phil would obviously bring Techno and Bad, Tommy would also force Phil to bring him along, but who else was going in the Temple?

He imagined the mission succeeding, Sam would disable the possible machine Shift was using and create a new, wondrous device out of the parts. Tubbo, Tommy, and Ranboo would reunite and laugh, they'd all be happy.

And Dream... Wilbur probably cry and hug Dream so tight that they both couldn't breathe, Dream would laugh and cry as well. They'd reunite and everything would be great. Dream and him could spend more time together.

Shift... Wilbur would arrest him and personally escort him to the vehicle taking the insane man away. He would watch Shift's trial and follow the villain to his new cell in a top-security prison, he'd smile and say goodbye, it'd be so satisfying.

Wilbur sighed, he supposed he'd find out tomorrow if he was right and it'd all happen, then. So, Wilbur laid down and fell into a worried rest.

-The Next Day, Noon-

Wilbur stood outside of the Temple with bated breath, he saw how everyone was preparing. Angel was finalizing strategies and giving out orders, Techno was sharpening his sword one final time, Tommy had dragged Ranboo along- and the two teenagers looked determined to get their friend back.

Wilbur took a deep breath and looked at the temple, the glass was too dark for anyone to see through the windows and the entire thing looked old, like a ruin out of the time of ancient empires.

There was a reason Wilbur hated the feeling the Temple brought. It was something cold and wrong yet warmed him. It dragged him towards it yet kept him away. Wilbur hated the feeling, it was like magnets.

Yet, Wilbur could practically hear Dream's heartbeat through the walls, or perhaps it was a feeling. Wilbur knew his lover was alive and somewhat okay, he knew that everything would be okay after.

But the magnetic feeling lingered in his gut, pulling and pushing him away. It felt protective and Wilbur hated it, cold yet warm, tempting yet horrifying. He hated it. It'd never been this bad before, and he hated it.

Wilbur sighed looked away, tapping the stair that lightly crumbled at the touch. He frowned, that wasn't good, he assumed. Everything was fine though, he'd reunite with Dream, everything was fine.

He took a deep breath and looked at the sky, it was bright blue with scattered grey clouds. It looked confusing to Wilbur's eye, shouldn't the sky be a similar grey colour? But in white?

He shook his head and glanced around the park again, it hadn't changed a bit. The same people were setting up, the same people were getting orders, the same people were preparing.

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