Chapter Ten || Revealed Identities

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(No pov)

Worried thoughts plagued Wilbur as he walked up the stairs, he felt dried blood sticking to his skin despite the bandage and it was getting annoying. The only thing he excited about what the dagger hanging carefully from his belt.

Wilbur greeted Sally at the front desk who stared at them in disbelief before signing them all in quickly and giving them the room number before staring again with wide, horrified eyes.

Angel and Ares were at his side as the approached the elevator while Fern, Ignite, and Devilish escorted the three vigilantes up the stairs. Wilbur couldn't help but pity those three

Wilbur entered the elevator with them all and anxiously began fiddling with his hands, the elevator dinged and the doors opened. The group walked to the eighth room and Wilbur felt his heart rate increase as Phil knocked.

A hurried sentence was heard before someone ran to the door, Sam opened it and Wilbur nearly exhaled in relief. The scientist stared at them in shock before ushering them all in and leading Wilbur to a couch and telling him to sit down while Devilish- Bad? Began unwrapping bandages and healing the wounds beneath as Sam gestured for the rest of the group to sit as he ran off again.

Ignite and Fern- Sapnap and George, rather. Collapsed onto the second couch in exhaustion while pulling down their masks or hood while the vigilante trio sat on the third and Phil and Techno sat on the fourth.

Wilbur noticed that Mellohi's knee was bouncing up and down, he was anxious, Wilbur assumed. Enderian wrapped his tail around Mellohi's ankle while Bombee leaned onto Mellohi, his ears flicked in annoyance.

Enderian was wearing a black and white mask and black shades, he had a black three piece suit with a red tie on, weirdly- was that even comfortable? He had long talon-like claws, for self-defense, Wilbur assumed. He also had a bright golden crown on with red and green gems, how he didn't lose it in the fight was amazing and beyond Wilbur's knowledge.

Bombee had a black and yellow gas mask covering his face that his horns curled around while his hair covered the eye glass, he wore a thick brown 'fur' coat with quarantine patch on the right arm and a dark green shirt underneath. He had black pants on and armoured boots that could also be worn in the snow.

Bad had removed the bandage on Wilbur's cheek and thrown it out when a voice was heard.

"Oh my god..." It was Dream, Wilbur turned his head to see Dream, he had teary eyes and was covering his mouth with both of his hands.

He was still wearing the clothes he'd had on during the date- oh gods. Bad placed his hands on Wilbur's cheek, the healing warmth was felt, before Bad nodded to Dream and also collapsed next to George and Sapnap.

The next thing Wilbur knew was Dream had launched himself at Wilbur, Dream had wrapped his arms around Wilbur's neck and rested his head on Wilbur's chest and folding his legs next to Wilbur's.

They embraced tightly for awhile but pulling away, Dream placed a hand on Wilbur's now scarred cheek and kissed it, Wilbur shivered and kissed Dream's forehead. Shift's hand was cold, ruthless, and sharp. Dream's were warm, loving, and soft. Wilbur stared at him lovingly with a smile before Dream rested his heard over his heart while Wilbur wrapped his arms around Dream again.

"That's so sweet." They heard someone whisper, Wilbur looked to that it was Bad. Sapnap looked at him confusedly, "Is that what you and Skeppy do after you nearly die?" He asked, Wilbur heard Dream and George snicker quietly as Bad flicked Sapnap.

"Uncle Bad gets scolded harshly before he gets a hug, actually." Dream said to Sapnap, George hummed as well, to the room's confusion. "You guys are related?" Techno asked, George shook his head, "We just grew up closely, we're brothers if anything." George answered tiredly with a yawn.

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