Chapter Eleven || Stressed Comfort

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(No pov)

The family had gotten home after Wilbur had calmed Dream down, Sam showed up again later and told Dream to take a break from work for a bit, which the blond disappointedly took.

It'd been an awkward car ride home, with Techno in the passenger seat, Phil driving, and Wilbur and Tommy in the back. The blond teenager was anxiously looking away and no one made an effort to talk to one another.

Soon enough they were at the house, Tommy was the first to leave. He stepped out of the car and stretched before going up to the front door and trying to open it as his family also left the vehicle.

After discovering that the door was locked, Tommy turned on his heel towards his family.

"It's locked!" He announced, Phil locked the car before tossing the keys to Tommy, who surprisingly caught them and unlocked the door before bounding into the house.

Phil followed with an exhausted yawn, Techno and Wilbur followed soon after them. No one said a word and instead went to their rooms for the night.

Wilbur picked up his phone and sent a quick goodnight text to to Dream before plugging his phone in and face planting into his bed, he was exhausted from finding out Tommy and his friends have been breaking the law, to the fact that Shift was basically untraceable . He was also pretty tired from having a hand digging his face.

-The Next Day-

Wilbur awoke to crash coming from what he assumed was the kitchen, it was followed by Tommy's voice loudly screeching a swear. He sat up with a yawn to check his phone, Dream hadn't responded to his message, huh.

He stood up from his bed and stretched, he changed into a red shirt and comfortable sweatpants before combing his hair, slipping his phone into his pocket and going down stairs to the kitchen.

When he arrived, he saw Tommy running around the kitchen island with Techno chasing him. Tommy was yelling protests and insults while Techno looked plain annoyed.

Tommy noticed Wilbur and stopped, he was about to yell something when Techno tackled him. The two fell and Tommy screeched more swears, Wilbur sighed and rounded the island to where they disappeared to see Techno trying to bandage Tommy's arm.

"Let go of me, Blade! I'm fine!" Tommy protested loudly. Techno looked at him with a very unimpressed stare, "Just because you're a vigilante does not mean you'll get to walk away with a burn- now hold still-" Tommy continued to shout curses as Techno finally wrapped a bandage around the blond's wrist.

Tommy grumbled loudly and turned to Wilbur, "Good morning, brother." He said and walked to pick a mug on the counter, there was a spill of what looked to be hot chocolate on the side of the mug and counter.

"Good morning, Toms." He responded and ruffled Tommy's hair as he walked past him. Tommy squawked but continued drinking his hot chocolate. Phil then walked into the room and greeted them all politely.

"Any plans for the day, Wil?" Phil responded, Wilbur thought for a moment. "If it's alright with you, I'd like to invite Dream over- he had some ideas for the guitar." Wilbur thought aloud, Phil nodded.

"That's alright with me, I have work in my office so just be a bit quiet." Phil responded, Wilbur grinned. "Thank you! I'll go invite him over now." He thanked before running off to his room, texting Dream along the way.

Dream :)

Hey Dream! I was just
wondering if you'd like to come
play the guitar with me today!

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