Descendants 1: The Museum

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The girls wanted to check on how the boys were doing. According to Harriet, she liked the boy's room a lot more than their rooms. It was all dark and the beds were all black and dark green. 

When the girls walked in, Carlos was playing a really fun game and Jay was emptying his pockets.

"Jay, what are you doing," Harriet asked

"I'm stealing" Jay replied

"Well, we could do that after we steal the wand," Harriet said tapping her foot

"Hey, Carlos whatcha up to!" Mal asked as she walks walking toward him

"Mal, You have gotta check this out" Carlos gave the controls to Mal and told her how to use them. It was fun for a minute. Then she handed the controls to Jay.

Evie took out her phone and started looking at pictures of Doug

Harriet realized everyone was distracted so she screamed "Guys! Do I need to remind you why we're here!"

"Fairy godmother's wand bababababa!" Jay joked. Which made Mal, Evie, and Carlos laugh.

"This is our ONE chance ONE chance to prove to our parents" Harriet shouted, Then everyone stopped laughing.

"To prove that were evil cruel and selfish" Evie finished off

"Evie, mirror me." The blue-haired girl instructed as Mal and Evie sat down Harriet and the boys stood up.

"Mirror, Mirror on the win my hand showed me where fairy godmother's wand stands" Evie commanded 

The mirror showed the wand

"There it is " Mal gasped 

"Zoom out Maybe?" Carlos suggested

"Magic mirror not so close"

It showed a picture of the earth "Closer" It showed a picture of the country "Closer" It showed a picture of the school. "Closer" showed the picture of the museum's sign.

"Can I go back to my game I'm on level three" Carlos started walking away

"Can I go back to my game I'm on level three" Carlos started walking away

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Jay grabbed his arm"Don't even think about it" Jay exclaimed

"It's in a museum where do we find a museum," Harriet asked. 

"three point five miles from here," Carlos said turning the laptop to show them.

"How do you know how to use a desk t.v," Harriet asked

"Easy there a beginner's guide it's called a laptop" Carlos replied

Jay walked out of the room "Yep all clear let's go!" she whispered to everyone and they ran off.

"Carlos COME" Evie whispered. "Coming" He called back running to his friends 

THE GROUP ARRIVED at the Museum 

"Check you're mirror" Harriet whispered to Evie 

"Is my lipstick smudged" asked Evie

"Off-topic Evie" Mal said

"Right! we have to go left then right take the stairs then go take a right turn then left turn then more stairs" Evie said.

"Take a left then take a what, "Carlos asked

"Just, follow me," Evie said

As they were trying to find the wand room they came across the 'Gallery of Villains' which had all their parents in it.

"Mommy?" Evie whispered as she saw her in all her former glory

"Killer" Jay mumbled

"I will never forget mother's day again" Carlos frightened at a statue with her chasing Dalmations

"Father, I'm trying," Harriet said staring at her Father's statue

"Mother ?" Mal said frighted at the look of her

"Mother ?" Mal said frighted at the look of her

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"Well, let's go" Jay ran off

"Yea, Yea Mal you coming" asked Carlos

"Yep I'm coming," said Mal

"Let's go," Evie said

They finally made it to the fairy godmother's wand. They peeked through the door they see a guard they tippy-toed their way to a desk. In Front of the desk, they see a monitor with all the enchanted objects like Cinderella's shoe, a lamp, a trident, a rose, and a Spindle as in Maleficent's spindle.

"That's your mother's spindle?" Jay laughed

"It looks kind of dorky" Carlos added

"It's magic it doesn't need to look scary" Mal replied. "Magic spindle, prick it deep send my enemy off to sleep".

A few milliseconds later the security guard walked up to the spindle and pricked his finger causing him to fall asleep. 

"Not so dorky now huh" Mal taunted

"Alright, guys! this is it we're getting the wand" Harriet said happily

"Wait, it's a bit too easy," Mal said suspiciously 

"It's a man's job," said Jay

"Jay doesn't do it" Harriet warned him

Jay gave everyone a smirk and snuck under the bars and was about to grab the wand as soon as he was about to get it *BEEP* *BEEP* he set the alarm off

"Seriously an alarm and a forcefield" Carlos complained

"RUN GUYS RUN" Harriet screamed

"A man's job huh" Mal mocked

"MY EARS" Evie screamed 

"Wait, I have an idea," Carlos said he went to the security guard's phone and said " Yea, so we had a problem at the fairy area 15 so false alarm, and can you stop the alarm for us yea thanks" Carlos ended the call.

"Aw, man we have to go to school tomorrow" Jay whined

"Thanks to you" Harriet growled

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