Descendants 3: Reunited

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Uma and Mal were eating cake as Harriet, Evie and Usa were making a little stick figure movie. "It was a great idea to check Audrey's room" Uma admitted. Which made everyone look at her. "I'm glad were on the right track" Mal told her

"Is there a insult I missed" She asked.


Evie headache started again. "Guys I need to go to the bathroom" 

"Ok, but whoever birthday it is today. I need to know the backer" Uma complimented. 

"What do you want" Evie signed. "I need you to make everyone stay were they are" Audrey asked. "No I will not" She scoffed. "Oh really" Audrey smirked. Her eyes started turning red. Evie couldn't fight it. Audrey had the power to take full control of Evie.

"Ok fine I will" Evie smirked. She took out some brown contacts and put it on her eyes. 

"Hey guys I'm back" Evie smilied. "Finally, alright gang let's go" Harriet told everyone. "No I think we should. Wait for the boys" Evie told everyone.

"Ugh, fine" Usa rolled her eyes.

Suddenly a wood plank appeared in the door, followed by many others covering the castle.

"Celia?" Mal called out.

"We're trapped" Celia screams to everyone.

Mal's eyes go vibrant green "You've caused my friends pain and fear, We've had enough now disappear!" 

"Audrey's magic is getting stronger" Harriet told everyone. "Uma please give me my ember. I promise I will give it back"

Uma gives the ember back, Harriet zapps the house making all the wooden planks disappear.

"Yay! We did it.. group hug!" Harriet cheered. Uma, Harriet, Mal and Evie did a group hug.Then they split. Evie did a quiet grunt.

"Ugh always the hero's win" Evie tought to herself.

Harriet gives the ember back. "Keep it" Uma tells her. She cheered 

Uma turns around and smirks "Isn't that you babycakes!"

Mal tuned around "Ben!"

"Mal!" Ben shouts as he lifted up Mal up and starts spinning her around.

"I like this beard of yours" Mal smilied. "Oh yeah yeah" Ben shows off.

Ben started to get um *Ahem* too comfortable.

"Guys, we have a beautiful - I mean princess to hunt" Harriet pulls them apart.

"So we all think that Audrey is hiding Fairy Godmother's cottage but we don't know where it is" Mal tells us.

"Um you guys I need to go to the bathroom again" Evie excused. "O....kay" Mal said "Evie what did you eat"

"Audrey, leave the cottage" Evie tells her. "Why" Audrey asked her. "The group is going there" Evie explains. "Finally, you following orders" Audrey tells her. "Ok, whatever" Evie rolls her eyes.

Evie runs back to the gang, "Ok guys I'm back" Evie smilies. "Doug go with Jane we need to find the Fairy godmother" Mal tells him.

"Are you sure Mr. twig arms will keep her safe" Harry asked.

"Hey!" Doug said.

"Well, I can go with him" Gil offers.

"Yea good Idea" Carlos agreed.

"Yea" Mal agreed so did everyone else. The three walked off as everyone else went to the cottage.

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