Descendants 3: Friends...I guess

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Knights room

"We did that let's- " Uma and Mal where about hi-five but then remembered there not friends anymore.

Uma and Mal went to their friends groups and started hi-fiving. Usa and Evie watch as the two groups and they sighed "You guys"

Mal hi-fived Harriet, Carlos and Jay as Uma fist-bumped Gil and Harry. Evie and Usa stared at them with disbelief. "Guys were a team were friends" Usa told them. "You are such a goody two shoes" Uma rolled her eyes.

"You know what let's do an ice-breaker." Evie said.

Everyone groans at Evie's idea expect Usa.

"Ok I will started. Usa like the color teal looks great" Evie smilied. "Thanks" Usa smiled "I like you personality". 

Uma turns to Mal "Why haven't you told me she's this perky". Evie turns to Uma "Well, it wasn't you turn but thanks" 

"Quit it, your gonna corrupt my sister with goodness" Uma rolls her eyes. Harriet turns to Evie "Evie..s we love you you know that right" The blue haired girl nodded. "But Audrey knows where we are so we have too leave"

"Alright, so where does this cheerleader rest" Uma asked "We might find a clue there".

"Well, Luckily if you missing for half the semester you do Summer school and have a dorm" Harriet told everyone. Harry starts to laugh "Summer School no wonder she wants revenge"

"Alright boys go find Ben. While the rest of us go to Audrey's dorm meet us at Evie's place" Mal explains to everyone.

"Whatever" Uma rolls her eyes.

Auradon Prep 

All the girls went to Audrey's dorm, Uma jumped into Bed reading her Diary.  Celia messes with Audrey's jewellery. Harriet sat on her desk chair.

"She's not on campus" Mal anncoued.

"Found her diary and Dang did you ruin Audrey's life"  Uma says, laughing. "Put the back!" Harriet grabs it and puts it back. "Geez, do you like have a crush on her or something" Uma asked. "What no" Harriet tells her. "Oh, really she wrote in her diary on how much she loves you" Uma smirks.

"S-She did" Harriet blushes. "Yeah, she even wrote where you guys dated".Harriet couldn't hold it in anymore  "Ok fine we used to date" Harriet exposed herself.

"Well, you're lucky I don't care about dates so I won't asked how you broke up". Uma laughs out. Celia just looks at them.

"So did you find anything we don't know" Mal questioned her.

"She hangs out at Farra, Fauna and Merryweather's cottage. You know where they hid her mom from your mom" Uma answers. 

"Yep, the irony has never lost me" Mal signs,

Uma gets cozy on the bed "How come anybody not be happy with this bed!" 

"Maybe, because she slept alone"Usa suggested "With no one to curl up with and talk to"

Harriet face filled up with rage "Well, excuse me but I snuck out everyday in to her dorm and cuddled with her I even talk to her so I am - I mean was a great girlfriend" Harriet blurted out.

Everyone eyes went wide.Luckily Celia was doing something else not paying attention. "So how do I look" Celia asks. 

"Ok, but the bling stays here" Evie tells her.

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