Descendants 2: Cotillon

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When we parked the limo, we all got out and walked back to school. Ben, Lonnie, Carlos, Jay and Harriet following me

I was in my own paradise and I didn't realize Lonnie left...

"Alright, Mal I will sort the rest of the decorations" Ben said as he left.

Evie takes me by the hand "We need to talk" She said. "Like right now" Harriet pulled my other hand.

"Ok" I said.

"No" Carlos stated

We all looked at him

"No?" Evie asked

"You all are going going off in a huddle, doing your werid girl talks or whatever and me and Jay are tired of it"

"Well, I mean I'm not" Jay said.

"We are family too, We've been together since forever and I'm not going to break that so everyone, sit" Carlos crossed his legs with Dude on his lap. "Ok talk"

"Um, What up" Jay said.

"Well, I-I'm a complete mess" I started off. "Six months ago.... I was stealing candies for babies and now I'm this lady of the court" Evie and Harriet's hand were on my shoulder.

"Well then don't" Carlos suggested.

"See, this is dumb" Jay was about to get up

"Maybe it wasn't" Evie said, making Jay sit back down.

"We're always going to be the kids from the isle" Harriet spoke out.

"I tried to forget it but it's out roots"

"But all of this made us who we are today"

"And it's would be easy for me if I had my spell book" I muttered.

"If Ben doesn't like you for you then he isn't the one"

"Give him a chance"

"I'm going to make some changes to your dress and If you want to go then the dress will wait in your closet" Evie side hugged me. Harriet and Evie left along with Carlos.

Jay was about to leave but he saw me not getting up. "Come to Cutillon tonight" He told me, "If Ben isn't smart enough I will drive you back" I gave a smile.

He patted my back and left...

I got up and went back to my dorm


Nobody's POV - Auradon 

"Oh my god Cotillion is coming soon" Evie shricked. "Yeah" Mal tried to smiled. "Is something wrong" Evie asked. "Yeah it's just that"

We hear Harriet walk in...

"Yeah love you too A-" Harriet looked up "Oh my god look at the time" 

"It's um 12:30 am" Mal told her. Harriet ended the call.

"Harriet who was that" Evie asked.

"Um I-t-s umm" Mal started thinking of a lie "Wanna talk my um feelings about Ben and stuff"

"Yea Mal feelings" Harriet fast walked out of the room. Evie held her by her shoulder.

"Harriet, I've told you every secret of mine since I was 5 so please tell me what is it" Evie told her. 

"There's no point of lying tell her the truth" Mal told her

"I'mdatingAudrey" She blurted out

"What" Evie asked

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