Descendants 2: Mal's life

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"Let's give Auradon a taste of

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"Let's give Auradon a taste of...... Evil" I suggested. Evie stirred the pot. I took her book and canted "Wicked ways beneath the skin whoever taste will now join in"

l was brought back to reality with flashing cameras. "Mal MAL" A reporter screamed "Only three days left till Cotillion how do you feel"

"Ever think a lady like you would be the Lady of the Court" A reporter questioned

" Do you like your purple hair"

"Is your mom still a lizard" A reporter asked. l just glares

"Alright this way" Ben said, making his way towards me.Ben just puts his arm around Mal's waist. "Uh, we would let you know when anything changes" Ben replied

"Did you ever think you will be with a Villain Kid?" Another one asked. "We are done here" Ben said. Fairy godmother stepped in and pushed everyone away.

"Ok shhhhhhhhhhhhhh" She said making the noise go down. "It's school hours your either skipping class or trespassing". All the reporters walk away

"Thank you" Ben said

"Aright, now bye" Fairy godmother left.

"Phew" l signed. Ben chuckled.

"I know maybe we should go somewhere" Ben asked "Far way"

Ben checked his watch "Oh I'm late for a council meeting"

"Ok bye I guess" l waved. 

Evie came running in "Come, Mal if you don't fit into this you going to have to go in your other cloths" Evie said, pulling my arm


Evie had me stand on a podium as she made final touches to the dress. It was blue and yellow with no sleeves. Evie pulled on the back of the dress "Evie I can't breath" I complained

"You can breath after" Evie replied. 

"But I have like I dunno 30 more events before it" I signed

Mal turned to her old VK clothes



"How would it be like if we were still on the isle" l asked

"I don't know" Evie replied

"Hey guys quick I need to ask you something" Harriet rushed through the door. "So which colour looks good "

"Wait you do decor" Evie asked

"What, no I'm helping Jane" Harriet replied

"Um maybe that one" I said, pointed to the yellow and blue

"Thanks" Harriet thanked as she ran off

"WoW look who's on T.V" Evie squealed. l turned to the T.V to see Ben and her sitting with Aladdin and Jasmine in their castle. Evie helped me get off the stand and sit on the bed.

"As the royal couple were doing their tour around all of Auradon. They dined in at Kingdom Agrahara" l see myself spit food in a napkin. "Agrahara food is not my taste" l said

l looks down seeing Ben's ring then realized something so I took my spell book and used a speed reading spell to read a book called 'How to be a lady'

"Hey guys, I'm back Hey Mal Hey Evie" Harriet greeted. "Mal, I know your secret of trying to fit in" Evie said. "Come on Mal, Ben will like your for you" Harriet explained.

l looked up to see both of her friends looking at her. "Guys, I was a mess without my spell book remember" 

"Well, personality is your best friend" Evie said, as she took Mal's book


"It belongs in the museum with my mirror and Harriet's ember" Evie explained. Mal gave puppy dog eyes to them

"Put that pout away" Evie ordered "You know we're right"

"Don't you guys ever miss running wild on the isle and breaking all the rules" l asked.

"Like stealing, lying and fighting" Harriet asked


"Of course not" Harriet exclaimed

"Why in the world would we I mean like we are Aradon girls now" Evie added holding Mal's hand

"Since, Mal revealed her love for strawberries people have given dozen of cartons for her" The news lady exclaimed

Harriet and Evie wrapped there arms around me "See this is a opportunity"

"So leave the past in the past" Evie asked

"Besides look a these shoes" Evie exclaimed. Me and Harriet gave a small laugh.


HARRIET left the girls dorm and went on her laptop, "Hey what up" Harriet exclaimed. "Hi I miss you already" Audrey exclaimed.

"So how is Cotillion planning going" She asked. "It's going great" Harriet replied.

"Bye Audrey" Harriet whispered. "Why" Audrey questioned. "Jane's coming". "When could we tell everyone like Mal knows" Audrey mutterd

"When we're ready" Harriet signed. "I'm ready" Audrey signed "Plus I'm the one that going to get beaten up not you"

"I don't want that to happen to you" Harriet saddened "Alright, Jane's coming so see you tomorrow" "Ok bye" Audrey signed.

"Hey Jane" Harriet greeted. "Look mom let me get new hair" Jane squealed. "Congrats" Harriet congratulated. 

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