Descendants 3: Night Falls

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The group arrived in front off the school, Evie and Carlos were calling there partner but nobody answered.

"Guys, everyone is asleep" Harriet said. "You guys the signal is out" Carlos pointed to a destroyed satal light.

"Is this Auradon Prep" Celia asked. 

Carlos looks at her "No it's usually a lot brighter and happier"

Jay looks at the students "Its so-"

"Cool" Usa exclaimed. Harriet looked at her  "Like all the trees are green. Those ball things are delicious and your have green grass. What are those things in the bushes?"

"Um flowers" Harriet answers. "They look beautiful"

Harry walks up to a random guy and takes his cash "Well, I think I deserve some money for my muscles"

Jay walks up to him "No stealing money" Harry then shows his hook. "You think I'm scared of you" He tells Jay.

Uma and Mal scream "Guys!"

Jay soffed and walked to Mal so did Harry but to Uma.

Carlos hears a familiar voice "Dude?"

He hears Carlos's voice "Carlos!" They hugged. "So what happened while we were gone we saw pink smoke in the sky"

"Yeah so um Audrey put everyone to sleep and some to..."

"Stone" Evie finished "Guys Lonnie turned to stone". 

"Lonnie?" Jay asked holding his tear. "Aw little cry baby" Harry mocked "Shut it!" He screams. 

"You guys Audrey went for the crown so she's probably going to Ben's castle" Harriet tells the group.

"Yeah, probably" Uma agrees. 

Mal whispered in Harriet's ear "Yeah, so sorry for your break up". Harriet nodded holding her tears 

Firra, Fauna and Merryweather's cottage

At Firra, Fauna and Merryweather's cottage , Well duh it's she Daughter of Sleeping Beauty. Audrey was stalking the descendants through the scepter. "How did Mal break my spell?" She told herself. 

"Audrey!!" Adrien burst the door open "Audrey please I beg you stop" Adrien beggs. "You ran here just for me" She asked.

"Yea, I will do anything for you now please stop this" Adrien tells her. "Ugh, I warned you the first time, I guess you won't listen" She signes. She points her scepter at Adrien and turns him into a puppy.

"Aw,you're so cute" Audrey pets Adrien. He growled at her "Bad dog" She tells him. He rolls his eyes and sits there.

Ben's castle 

"Ben!" Mal shouts "He could be asleep anywhere". "Or turned to stone " Celia blurted out. Evie covered her mouth "Not now"

"I've got his scent, very cloney so follow me" Dude told everyone. "Good boy" Harriet pets him. "I never had a pet growing up... well if you count Uma's dead fish" Gil rambled.

"Wait you guys. Was this here before" Usa asked looking at a claw mark.

Carlos nods out a 'no'

"Guys lets go Quick" Dude screams. "Alright let's go" Jay tells them. They follow Dude.

Knight Room

Everyone walked inside the room...

"Ben!" Mal shouts. They walk around. "I bet you lost sleep think about me loose" Uma told Mal. "Ugh, of course not sleeping is for losers"

"I wonder how fried octopus taste like" Mal smirks at Uma. She rolls her eyes.  A knight turned a bit  "You guys" Harry told them

Uma raised her hand "Guys I think should split and look for Ben"

"That makes no sense" Harriet tells Uma "Unless you give me my ember"

"Girls!" Harry shouted out. Which made everyone look at him "I think we might have a problem".

Everyone stared at the knight as Audrey's talks with the knight body "Do you like a king Mal? How about a knight in shining armor?" She cackled.

"Hey" Harriet greeted. "Shut up" The knight screams back

The knights got into position to fight.

The song:

Watch your back, watch your back
Watch your back, watch your back
We can counter their attack
Hit 'em 'til the armor cracksThis could get a little sticky
How to win this battle could be tricky
But I know the best way
Fall back let me lead, you hold the line
And we'll bring them to their knees
Swords in the air if you're with me
They got us outnumbered one to fifty
But victory is ours
'Cause I got a strategy, you take the left
And the rest of you can follow me (uh-uh)
This is my crew
Well this is my squad
This is my turf
Oh my gosh, look guys
We've got bigger fish to fry
Put your differences aside
'Cause right now we're on the same sideUntil the night falls, everyone
We'll stay together 'til the battle is done
Watch your back, watch your back
Watch your back, watch your back
We can counter their attack
Hit 'em 'til the armor cracks
Until the night falls, we're aligned
It doesn't mean that we're on the same side
Watch your back, watch your back
Watch your back, watch your back
Hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast
They're too heavy to reactThis situation's getting kinda heavy
Hold your weapons tight keep 'em steady
'Cause if we stick together we can make it out alive
I'll cause a distraction, you attack them from the side
All my soldiers stand at the ready
We can cut 'em up like confetti
We'll hit 'em from the front, you counter from behind
Don't forget the fate of Auradon's on the lineThis is all out war, they got us outnumbered
The way the swords clash is the sound of the thunder
And we are not going under, we will never run for cover
We battle for the victory and ride for each otherUntil the night falls everyone
We'll stay together 'til the battle is done
Back to back, back to back
Back to back, back to back
We can counter their attack
Hit 'em 'til the armor cracks
Until the night falls, we're aligned
It doesn't mean that we're on the same side
Back to back, back to back
Back to back, back to back
Hit 'em hard and hit 'em fast
They're too heavy to reactSuit of armor strong and true
Make this metal bust a move!Until the night falls, you can trust
I'm gonna help you win this battle because
I got your back, got your back
Got your back, got your back
All for one and that's a fact
Night fall pitch black

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