1 - The Wedding

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Arranged - Pt. 1 (The Wedding)

Mafia!Chris Evans x Female Reader

Series Summary: Living in this life, you've never gotten to have much say in anything. What you wear, who you hang out with, and now, who you marry and you're dreading your arranged marriage to the Italian mob boss, Chris Evans. Expecting to suffer through a life of abuse while being kept under lock and key, you're pleasantly surprised when Chris is nothing like you expected. He's the most feared man on the East Coast, only brought to his knees by one thing and one thing only. You.

Warnings: language, alcohol, violence, arranged marriage (Chris's family signs contract with readers family that promises their firstborn daughter to their firstborn son), parental abuse mentioned, age gap. The reader is 25, Chris is 35. Mention of running away. this series will have smut (18+ only, please)

W/C: 7.1k

This is a work of fiction.

Italian and Italian translation in italics. (The translations were run by someone who fluently speaks Italian, if there are any corrections to be made, please let me know!) 

 (The translations were run by someone who fluently speaks Italian, if there are any corrections to be made, please let me know!) 

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You sighed, laying your head on your best friend Lydia's shoulder, both of you stretched out on her king-sized bed. It was happening. The moment you've been dreading since high school. Tomorrow was your wedding day.

You knew this was inevitable. The knowledge of this day has been weighing heavy in your mind for at least 10 years, but it didn't make it any easier. Part of you always thought that maybe your mother would step in and reason with your father, put a stop to the wedding, but any time the conversation was breached, it ended with a new bruise somewhere on her body.

The contract that sat in the safe in your father's office taunted you, day in and day out. No matter what you did or said, the deal was done... you were already sold to the highest bidder.

"You're gonna be a married woman. It's crazy," she finally spoke up, looking over at you. You've known Lydia since you were both in diapers, her father working in close contact with yours. Although you didn't need that connection, you and Lydia were practically soulmates. Something tells you that you would've found your way to each other one way or another. Mafia ties or not.

3 families in Boston ruled the Italian mafia. Your family, the Ricci family, and the Evans family.

Your father owned just about every deli in Boston and while he didn't directly tell you what he did, you knew enough to know that every deli was a front for something. Arms trade, drugs, even exotic pets.

The Ricci's owned a bunch of Italian restaurants in the Boston area, the banquet halls put on a permanent reservation for the families to conduct their business in while enjoying fine dining.

And finally, the Evans family. The top tier of the Italian Mafia. The most feared man on the East Coast. The man you were going to marry tomorrow. He owned just about every nightclub on the strip. You knew that after Chris's father had passed a few years ago and that the family business was signed over to him and that was about it. You definitely wouldn't use the word shy to describe Chris, but he wasn't a man of many words. He was also 10 years older than you at 35, so it's not like you've really ran in the same circle. He was a mystery to you.

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