Arranged Series Drabble: Domestic Bliss

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Arranged Series Drabble: Domestic Bliss

mafia!chris evans x female reader

warnings: reader is pregnant, lots of fluff

A/N: I didn't proofread this one (or most of my fics tbh lol) so there will probably be mistakes. Also, very short little thing, but I thought it was cute!

W/C: 430

Italian and Italian translation in italics. (i did not run my translations by anyone this time, sorry) 

You were lying on the couch, To Kill a Mockingbird propped up on your swollen belly as you laid on Chris's chest, your butt resting between his thighs.

This was at least the 3rd time you'd read through this novel, but Chris wouldn't let you climb on the ladders to reach the books above the 3rd shelf, and this was the only enticing one on a shelf either of you could reach, so here you were. Originally, you thought Chris was joking when he said he was taking the ladders out to 'avoid tempting fate'. You found out pretty quickly that he was not...

You felt the steady rise and fall of Chris's chest against your back, the Elvis record you'd put on earlier was on the last song, and Dodger was curled into a ball at your feet. You smiled, closing the book for a second.

Of course the pregnancy hormones were making you just a little crazy these days, but this little moment of domestic bliss felt too good to be true, so you took a second to memorize everything.

You took note of the way one of the twins moved their little body inside of your belly, the way Dodger snored, his lips flapping together slightly from the awkward position he laid in, even the soft hum of the air conditioning felt noteworthy in this moment.

It was 2:52 on a Sunday afternoon.

Closing your eyes, your smile grew when Chris's hands slid up to caress your bump, "Cosa fai?" (what are you doing?) He asked quietly.

"Listening, feeling, enjoying. I thought you were sleeping," you said, twisting slightly to look up at him.

He shrugged, "I was reading."


"Yes," He chuckled, "Reading. You closed the book, so I can no longer read. Thus me asking you what you were doing."

You smiled again, "I didn't realize you were reading with me."

"It's a good book," he shrugged again, his lips pressing lightly against your earlobe.

You hummed in response, lifting the book and holding it up again, "Read to me?"

Chris smiled against your hair, placing his hands over yours and started at the top of the page, "Dill was off again. Beautiful things floated around in his dreamy head. He could read two books to my one, but he preferred the magic of his own inventions. He could add and subtract faster than lightning, but he preferred his own twilight world, a world where babies slept, waiting to be gathered like morning lilies..."

Before he finished the paragraph, your eyes fluttered shut, relaxing into Chris and dozing off. 

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