Arranged Series Drabble: Lydia and Seb Get Married

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Arranged Series Drabble: Lydia and Sebastian Tie The Knot

mafia!chris evans x female reader

mafia!seb stan x ofc!lydia ricci

warnings: not proofread. i think language and alcohol.

W/C: 1.5k

Italian and Italian translation in italics. (i did not run my translations by anyone this time, sorry) 

 (i did not run my translations by anyone this time, sorry) 

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"Lydia... honey... you're pacing again."

You watched your best friend walk the length of the greenhouse over and over, the train from her wedding dress dragging behind her.

"I can't stop. I mean, Y/N. Are you sure everything is okay? Nothing's out of place?"

You smiled at her concern, "Yes, everything is perfect. I promise. Honestly, do you really think I'd let you get married if it wasn't?"

She offered a small smile at your attempt to provide a moment of levity, but continued walking back and forth.

They have waited entirely too long for this moment and you've listened to her panicking about every little thing for the past 3 weeks while everyone scrambled to get their wedding together. If Lydia had her way, they would've gotten married the second Sebastian was promoted within the families. Even 3 weeks was too long, but she wouldn't settle for less than the best and the best for Lydia was a vineyard that her father owned in Italy. So here you were, sitting in a greenhouse on the vineyard grounds, waiting for the guests to settle with a very anxious Lydia.

Not that you were complaining. You were back in Italy with all of your friends and family, enjoying a wedding and you didn't have to worry about anyone getting shot. The perfect recipe for a good time.

You smiled at the thought of having a family. A real one. One that loved you and not out of obligation. One that wanted you around. It's only been 5 months since your vow renewal, but you and Lisa had been in constant contact, both of you so excited to be together again. And right now, she was running around like a mad-woman for your best friend, getting everything ready for the reception. A freakin' family.

Your mother would have loved to see Lydia get married and you'd shed your fair share of tears thinking about the fact that she wasn't here to witness it, but she would've been so happy for her. You could almost imagine her standing off to the side with Mr and Mrs. Ricci, her eyes filled with tears while she watched Lyd and Seb share their first dance. She was always a sucker for the Italian countryside and weddings.

Checking the time, you turned to Lydia, "It's 2pm... Everyone should be in their places."

She turned to look at you with wide eyes, "I'm gonna get married?"

"You're gonna get married," you confirmed, your smile widening. Your two best friends, tying the knot after all this time, "Let's do this."

In that second, her nerves were gone, all of her focus going to Sebastian who was waiting for her outside. She squealed, straightening out her dress and grabbing her bouquet. "Let's do this!"

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