9 - A Fresh Start

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Arranged - Pt. 9 (A Fresh Start)

mafia!Chris Evans x Female Reader

Series Summary: Living in this life, you've never gotten to have much say in anything. What you wear, who  you hang out with, and now, who you marry and you're dreading your arranged marriage to the Italian mob boss, Chris Evans. Expecting to suffer through a life of abuse while being kept under lock and key, you're pleasantly surprised when Chris is nothing like you expected. He's the most feared man on the East Coast, only brought to his knees by one thing and one thing only. You.

Warnings: language, alcohol, arranged marriage (chris's family signs contract with readers family that promises their first born daughter to their first born son), parental abuse mentioned, age gap. Reader is 25, Chris is 35. Guns, violence, blood, angst, fluff, alcohol

W/C: 6k

This is a work of fiction.

Italian and Italian translation in italics. (The translations were run by someone who fluently speaks Italian, if there are any corrections to be made, please let me know!)

"Please?" you begged, your lower lip pushed out in a pout, "I need this. We need this."

Chris cocked an eyebrow, taking a deep breath as he rested his hip against the kitchen counter. He narrowed his eyes for a second, shaking his head, "A party?"

You closed the distance between the two of you quickly, resting your hands on his crossed forearms, "Nothing crazy! Just– you know... the families... some friends. I mean, you know..."

"Everyone?" He chuckled, finishing your sentence.

It'd been almost two weeks since the FBI raided your home, leaving everything a complete disaster. Chris was adamant you stayed in the hotel until everything was finished, insisting that you'd been through enough and didn't need to see the house in the state that it was in. The Four Seasons was nice, but it wasn't home and you were beyond ready to return to a somewhat normal schedule. Today was your first day back and instead of settling and relaxing, your mind immediately went into 'party' mode. After the craziness of the past month or so, you needed it. The families needed it. Your fathers betrayal was driving a wedge between everyone and this could be a good way for everyone to remember that we're all in this together.

Gina and a couple of her friends worked day in and day out the entire time you were gone to get everything back in order, restocking the fridge, the pantry, and all of your baking essentials. Every book was placed back onto its rightful shelf, your old furniture was hauled out and replaced by a brand new version of itself, everything was organized and perfect. She deserved another raise.

Seb, Russo, and Romano coordinated a sweep for bugs, finding one in the kitchen and one in Chris's study, both were promptly removed and destroyed, but it was evident that Chris was on the FBI's radar and that wasn't changing any time soon. Tony was still on the outs and he wasn't happy about it. He'd been by the house several times to try and talk to Chris, but he didn't trust him. Chief Anders swore up and down he wasn't tapped, but still, Chris told you of his reservations and told you not to let him in the house if he wasn't home.

Things were... complicated right now. But in a way, it felt like a fresh start. Your father being dead was a fresh start. For everyone involved in his web of lies and bullshit. A party was a great way to bring everyone together again.

You chewed on the inside of your lip for a second, bouncing on your toes, "Come on... don't be such a grump, it'll be fun! We all need it. You need it. The families need it."

He sighed, shaking his head, "Cara..." he paused, a small smile on his face as he tapped the bottom of your chin with his index finger, "How could I ever say no to you? Especially when you're wearing my clothes."

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