Arranged Series Drabble - After

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Arranged Series Drabble: After

A/N: in the timeline of this series, this takes place after their vow renewal in itatly and after she was followed and almost kidnapped in my fic *

Warnings: fluff, smut mentioned (18+ only, minors DNI), language, violence mentioned, guns, blood, Chris is fixing the reader up after her run in with McGrath.

W/C: 879

Italian and Italian translation in italics. (i did not run my translations by anyone, any mistakes are my own)

"I'm gonna fucking kill him," Chris growled, lifting you onto the counter

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"I'm gonna fucking kill him," Chris growled, lifting you onto the counter. He stepped in between your thighs, cursing under his breath as he evaluated the damage, "I'm gonna fucking kill him."

"He's already dead, baby," you smiled softly, wincing when the small movement split your lip open again.

Chris turned and bent down, rifling through the cabinet under the sink and pulling out the first aid kit, "He's fucking lucky, too," he set the first aid kit on the counter, then slammed his fists against the granite, making you jump, "FUCK!" He roared, pushing himself away from the counter, his fingers slicing through his already disheveled hair.

You took a deep breath, your concussion making it hard to focus, "Chris, I know you're angry, I get that. But he's dead, I'm okay. Everything is okay."

"Everything is not okay, Y/N!" His voice cracked, "I promised you, I fucking promised you that I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

"Oh, Chris..." you looked up at your husband, his blue eyes glassy with tears, "Come here." You've never seen him get remotely emotional about anything before. It hadn't struck you that Chris was even capable of tears. You knew he loved you and that he would quite literally do anything for you, but this was new.

He was so worried about something happening to you.

Chris shook his head, his hand combing through his hair again, "I can't."

Your brows knitted together in confusion, "Chris, come here. I know you have something going on internally right now, I get that, but I need you, too."

He closed the distance between you, wrapping you in a bone crushing hug. Your body ached and screamed in protest, but you knew he needed this. So you bit back the whimper building in your throat and held him.

"I called Sergio, he's on the way. I told him I wouldn't stitch up your face, it's needs to be perfect," he mumbled against your shoulder, "I mean, you'd be perfect no matter what, but I won't do it without lidocaine. So he's on the way. He's gonna fix you up, does anything hurt? What can I do?"

You knew he was babbling because even this wave of emotion took him by surprise, "Nothing baby, I'm okay. Just be here with me."

Your mind was fuzzy, your whole body felt like one giant bruise, and the taste of copper was fresh on your tongue, but you clung to Chris. Arms around his shoulders, legs around his waist, "I love you, Chris."

"I don't know what I would've done if–"

"Don't." You cut him off, shaking your head, "Don't do that to yourself, Chris. You got to me, both of you did, before anything bad could happen."

He pulled away, pinching your chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting your head slightly. "This is not nothing, cara."

"You know what I mean, baby." you sighed, "I'm okay. I promise."

Chris peppered kisses all over your face, chin, and jawline. He moved slow, careful not to hurt you.

"We should talk about something."

His body stiffened, "I swear to god, if you're about to divorc–"

You laughed, wincing at the pain in your lips, "I'm not divorcing you, god. Stop making me laugh." Reaching up, you ran your fingers through his hair, "Sebastian."

The two of you exchanged a knowing glance, "I know. It's in progress. I'm gonna speed it up, especially after today." Chris didn't take it lightly that Sebastian put his life on the line for you.

"Good," you nodded, smiling softly, "They need to get married."

"I know, I know. 3 days tops."

You perked up, "That soon?!"

"That soon."

In less than a week, Sebastian would become a made man and he and Lydia could finally tie the knot after years of pining after each other.

"Well, I'll get the wedding planner."

He shook his head, raising an eyebrow, "The Ricci's can handle the expenses, I'm not paying for Lydia's weekly shopping trips and her wedding," he teased.

"Fine, fine," you smiled, framing his face with your hands, "I love you, Chris. I'm okay. We're okay."

He took a steadying breath, locking his eyes on yours, "You know, I think after all of this, I'm ready."

"Ready?" you questioned, your head cocking to the side, hands dropping audibly to your thighs.

He pressed the softest kiss to your lips, careful not to agitate any wounds, "When was your last birth control shot?"

You swallowed, butterflies erupting in your stomach, "I'm due for another one next week."

"Cancel it."

You inhaled a sharp breath, "Really? Chris... I know how important it is for you to wait, I'm in no rush, I swear–"

He smiled, kissing your cheek, "Really. I'm in a rush now. I wish we could start now, cara. I don't want out first. I don't care. I want a family. I want you. I want everything."

Tears welled in your eyes. You guys had discussed kids every once in awhile, neither of you in a huge rush to make it happen, but the fact that it was him bringing it up, meant so much more than you thought it would. "Okay," you agreed, your voice shaking with emotion, "I want that, too."

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