Arranged Series Epilogue: Endgame

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Pairing: mafia!chris evans x female reader

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Pairing: mafia!chris evans x female reader

Warnings: lots and lots of fluff, not really proofread lol. maybe language?

A/N: And just like that... the end of an era. This arranged series means so fucking much to me, i hope i did it justice in the epilogue. love you guys. thank you for your support with this and with my writing in general, it means the world!

W/C: 1.8k

Italian and Italian translation in italics. (i did not run my translations by anyone this time, sorry) likes, reblogs, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated!

"Can daddy read to us tonight?" Carina looked up at you, her eyes finally tired at an appropriate time and not in the middle of the afternoon

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"Can daddy read to us tonight?" Carina looked up at you, her eyes finally tired at an appropriate time and not in the middle of the afternoon.

You smiled sweetly, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "Of course, bambina." (baby)

Mariella sat up in her bed, her eyes bright. "The one about the spider and the pig?"

"I'm sure he would love to read Charlotte's Web to you."

"In Italiano?" (in Italian?) Rina asked, beaming.

"Si," you answered, winking, "I'll go get him, okay?"

The twins both settled into their beds, grinning from ear to ear. The love they held for their dad melted your heart. Luckily, you didn't have to look far, Chris was already waiting just outside of their door with Dodger when you stepped through the doorway.

"They would love it if you read Charlotte's Web to them. In Italiano," you smiled, snaking your arms around his waist and resting your chin against his pec while you stared up at him. "I love you, Chris. And I love those girls and I love you for giving me those girls."

He cupped your cheek, lowering his lips to yours. "Ti amo, cara. So much more than I'll ever be able to express." (i love you, dear/darling).

Chris always said these things to you like he hadn't delivered you the world on a silver fucking platter. You were his everything, just as he was yours and those two little girls only amplified the love shared between you.

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