6.2 - Blindsided Add On (Lydia POV)

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Arranged Series Add-On : Lydia and Sebastian (Lydia POV)

Pairing: mafia!sebastian stan x ofc!lydia ricci

Warnings: 18+ please. 

W/C: 1.1k

This is a work of fiction. (POV is a combination of 2nd and 3rd person)

Italian and Italian translation in italics. (The translations were run by someone who fluently speaks Italian, if there are any corrections to be made, please let me know!)

 (The translations were run by someone who fluently speaks Italian, if there are any corrections to be made, please let me know!)

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Spinning a circle, Lydia twirled closer to you as you sang along with the music playing loudly in the club. She extended her hand to grab you, but came to an abrupt stop when she saw Chris standing behind you, his arms crossed and jaw clenched as he stared you down.

She felt a little guilty, because this was technically her idea, but you needed it! What better way to get your mind off of things? Lydia looked past Chris, her shoulders slumping when a very pissed off Sebastian stood behind him, pinning her where she stood with a glare.

She gulped, looking at you and mouthing, good luck.

While you were talking to Chris, her gaze made its way back over to Sebastian, whose jaw clenched even harder when she smiled slightly. He jerked his chin, gesturing for her to walk over.

Taking a deep breath, she walked towards Seb with her head held high, "Yes?"

He turned, his hand finding the small of her back as he led her towards the entrance, "Are you fucking stupid, Lydia?"

She scoffed, "That's mean," she shoved his arm away, walking faster towards the front door. She paused when she made eye contact with Russo, "Traitor!" she yelled as Seb wrapped an arm around her waist, all but carrying her out.

When they got outside, Seb flagged down his driver, yanking open the back door and throwing another glare at Lydia, "Get in," he growled between clenched teeth.

She rolled her eyes, climbing into the backseat, "You could've just asked nicely," she slurred, plopping into the seat, "Hello, Paulie! How are you this evening?"

Paulie's eyes flickered from hers back to the street, saying nothing in response as Sebastian climbed into the backseat, immediately putting up the partition.

"Honestly, Lydia, what the fuck were you thinking?"

She looked over at him, swallowing the emotion in her throat as her eyes filled with tears. She always was an emotional drunk and she hated pissing Sebastian off. Not that it happened often, but she hated disappointing people and the look that he was giving her right now was pure disappointment. "I was just trying to help," she whispered, looking down at her hands.

"BY GOING OUT–" Lydia flinched, closing her eyes at his raised voice. He paused, shifting in his seat and clearing his throat, "By going out without protection? Lydia, babe, come on. You know better than this."

She felt the heat of his large hand against her thigh and melted into his touch, the dam finally breaking, "I– Y/N was so sad, I just wanted to help her," she cried, leaning into his side as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "Chris did a shitty thing and–"

"Lyd, you don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, I do. Y/N told me everything," she insisted, wiping at the mascara she knew was starting to run down her face.

She felt him shake his head, "No, babe. Y/N doesn't– she doesn't even know everything."

Lydia's eyes met Sebastian's, her brows knitted together in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

He sighed, dragging his hand down his face, "Y/N thinks that Chris picked her and paid for her because he wanted her. That's... not exactly the case..." he reached up, swiping at a stray tear on Lydia's cheek, "She wouldn't hear him out earlier, but... Chris picked Y/N because I all but begged him to. I mean, obviously, the fucker is head over heels now, but at first, it was favor."

Lydia sat straight up, pulling herself out of Seb's embrace, "What?"

"It was the week before he turned 25 and I knew that his father was going to make him sign a contract. Y/N was... in bad shape. Her father had just completely laid into her after a deal gone wrong. You remember? She was almost hospitalized, her cheekbone was broken."

Lydia closed her eyes, recalling the horrible memory, "Yeah, I do. It was... god... it was terrible. My dad talked about murdering Y/F/N for weeks."

She reopened her eyes when Seb cupped her cheek, "I knew she needed out and I knew she needed someone that wouldn't turn out to be her father... and I knew that was Chris. Isabella had been throwing herself at Chris since she was like 10, it was honestly creepy, so it wasn't hard to persuade him. He knew you were signed to me, so it was Y/N or Isabella. I asked him to sign for Y/N as a favor, and he did."

Lydia gasped, "Is he gonna tell her?"

Sebastian nodded, "Yes."

She shook her head, eyes locked on Sebastian, "You did that for her?" she whispered. Her chest swelled with pride and adoration, her eyes welling with tears for a different reason now.

He shrugged like it was no big deal that he hadn't saved her best friends life by what he had asked of Chris.

"Seb.." she whispered, framing his face with her tiny hands, "I love you, so much," she pulled his lips to hers, his hands sliding around her small waist, pulling her closer.

Much to her dismay, he pulled away, "I love you, too, but you are very drunk," he smiled, cupping her chin and placing a chaste kiss to her lips.

Lydia rolled her eyes, "I'm not that drunk," her words slurred, hiccupping only a second after she tried to plead her case, "That was just bad timing."

Seb chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her close. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head, his fingers toying with a strand of her straight black hair, "Bad timing or not, I can smell the vodka, we can pick this up another time?"

Her eyes flickered with mischief, "Promise?"

"I promise, babe," he laughed.

She met his eyes again, hoping that they were portraying every emotion she couldn't fit into words, "You did an amazing thing, Sebastian. I can't thank you enough for that."

"I was just helping a friend."

Lydia chuckled, "Y/N was right, you mafia men are soft." 

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