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i saw the box where i hid all your letters you've written to me. and read them all and they felt so young. like it only happened yesterday because it felt oddly familiar. you know.. whenever i receive your letters it takes me one to two days to reply because i didn't wanna look like i was eager to talk to you. well i was eager. you said to some of your letters that i reminded you of the cactus plants your mother has in your back yard. until now i still don't know why it reminded you of me. some of your letters talked about how your days went. like when one monday you wore two different socks and some tuesdays you cut class to buy cat foods to feed to the stray cats but you never take them home because your sister is allergic to them. and when you accidentally kissed a girl and you even said your sorry and it wasn't your fault. i laughed while reading that part. i fell in love with your letters, and fell out of love, and fell in love with it all over again. and it still pains me why you never explained why you lose feelings or why you never answered back.

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