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I WIP THE SWEAT FROM MY FOREHEAD. The whole house is clean again from head to toe. All the glass that was everywhere is finally gone.

I walk upstairs with the last bit of laundry. Rafe's bed is completely made up again. I grab Rafe's phone from the bathroom and put it on a charger.

I didn't even notice yesterday that Rafe still has us together as a background. I smile at the picture.

"Rafe stop" I say laughing. Rafe holds a bottle of water over my head. A few drops fall on my head,

"say it" he says with a laugh. "I'm not going to say it" again a few drops fall on my head. "Last chance" I shake my head laughing and Rafe empties the whole bottle over my head.

"Omg you asshole" I say laughing. Rafe lifts me up, all water running down my face. " you look hot wet" "that sounds so dirty" I give him a kiss.

I grab my phone and look at myself through the photo camera. "I look like a drowned cat" Rafe joins me and we all take pictures.

"I love you" he kisses me again. "I love you too"

"Rafe are you here" I am startled by thoughts of topper who is calling downstairs. "top?" I go down the stairs.

"June?" He looks at me a little weird. " what are you doing here". "Do you know what happened to Rafe yesterday?" I ask topper right away.

"Did something happen to Rafe?" "yes he's at Ward's house now". Topper runs his hand through his hair.

"I don't know exactly what happened to him, he just called me super vague, that's why I came to have a look" I look at him strangely. "what did he say to you?"

He looks at the ground and then back at me. " he told me he saw you Barry. That he wanted to do everything he could to get you back together" a sigh leaves my mouth.

Topper looks around. "It's very clean here," he says with a soft laugh. "Rafe had vomited everything under" I laugh softly. " have you been here all night"

"yes it was such a mess" I shrug. "Great job" I nod. "I'll go," Topper says softly. "wait I'm going too" I run upstairs to grab Rafe's phone.

"Let's go" topper and I go out the door and I close it behind me. "I'll drop you off at home" "That will be really great" I say laughing.

I get into the car with topper. We drive to the chateau. "are you going to Rafe this afternoon?" Top asks me. "yes I have his keys and his phone" I look outside.

We come to a stop at the chateau. "thanks for bringing me home" I smile at him. " no problem" I open the car door " oh and june? You did well last night" I smile at topper and close the car door.

I walk wearily onto the porch. "hey" JJ and John b look at me immediately. "what happend?" John b immediately asks. I shrug my shoulders with tears in my eyes.

I sit down next to them at the table. Rafe called me last night, he said he needed help. When I got there he was shaking and puking all over."

John b and JJ listen in silently. "I don't know what happened but I panicked and called ward" I lay my head on the table.

"was he puking and shaking?" JJ asks. I go back up and nod. "That's because he took too much coke," JJ says with confidence. "My father did that once when I was younger"

I sigh. "I still have to bring his things to ward" I slowly stand up again. "I'll bring you" says John b. I nod slowly and walk outside. I need air

I had something in mind about drugs, but I didn't know he'd taken too much of them. John b comes out and I get in the van.

"I saw Sarah last night" I say softly. John b drive away slowly. "Did she say something else?" he asks. "Not really" I shrug. "I don't think we were all concerned with that" I lean my head against the window.

"you're good enough june even if i wasn't there" John b smiles at me. I sigh and look outside. The van comes to a stop at the Camerons' house.

"should I say something to Sarah?" I ask John b. "Leave it to me, take care of yourself first" John b gives me a hug. "It always works out" I say softly and get out of the van.

I walk up the huge path of the Camerons. At the front door I wait another minute and then ring the bell. The door is immediately opened.

"June?" Wheezie looks at me strangely. "Hey wheez" I say softly. She immediately hugs me. "I missed you so much" she says sweetly. "Me too" I say smiling.

Wheezie let me in. "june!" Ward comes out of the kitchen. "I came to bring this" I hold Rafe's phone and his keys up. "he's upstairs and I think he's awake, you can give it to him"

I nod softly and walk up the stairs. I've never been so nervous about anything. My hands are shaking a little bit. What should I say to him, we don't even know anything.

I'm right in front of his door. I breathe in and out and open his door. I see Rafe lying on his bed with his back against the wall. He is watching TV. He turns to me.

"hey" he says softly. "I came to bring this" I put his things on the bedside table. "Thank you" "How are you feeling?" I ask him.

He doesn't say anything and knocks down next to him. I sit down slowly. "I'm sorry I called you yesterday. I was in a panic and don't remember what happened"

"It's all right, you are okay now " I look at my hands. I feel a hand on my shoulder. Tears are running down my cheeks now. I was scared and panicked last night and so happy that everything is okay now.

Rafe gently pulls me back. My head gently returns to his chest and wraps his arms around me. He holds me tight.

After all the shit we've been through, I've really missed this. I also hold Rafe tight. Somewhere last night I was afraid that I would lose Rafe to the effects of his addiction.

"I'm going to get help again" he says softly. he lays his head on mine. "That's good of you" I say softly. "june?"

I look at him. "Promise me something" he says softly. I look at him a little weird. "promise me you'll go on without me" "without you?" he nods slowly. "Would you like that?" I ask him and he nods slowly.

I give him a soft kiss and slowly stand up again. "thanks for everything" Rafe smiles at me. "Good luck Rafe" I smile back at him and walk out of his room.

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