What does it mean

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The next day,
Wednesday December 22nd 2021

Eddie had took the day off to go to a doctors appointment to check on baby. Alaina also had a doctors appointment today.

"Alright Sweetie, let's get a new diaper on and get going." She said picking up Lainey from standing at the coffee table playing with the remote.

"Ehh!" She whined and tried to wiggle out of Eddies arms.

"No, that is not a toy anyway." She told her and continued off to her room.

"Please be a good girl for mommy Lainey..." she pleaded laying her down on the changing table. She was tired and also wanted to hit the grocery store on the way home. She just hoped Alaina could cooperate with her today.

——A few hours later——

Eddie got home with groceries, first she carried Alaina in and put her in her crib, girl passed out on the way home which was good because she needed it.

By the time Eddie got the groceries away it was 4pm, Jamie would be home around 5 so she figured she start to make dinner. She wanted to make a few of his favorites just cause. She started cutting up all the fresh veggies to cook up with a couple spices and then she started breading all the chicken to bake in the oven. It was a lot of work ahead of her but she knows he'll appreciate it.

5:45 rolled around and Jamie was still not home. Dinner was ready and getting cold, Lainey was already eating and Eddies stomach was growling but she insisted on waiting to eat with her husband.

She was getting hangry and got her phone out to call him.

He didn't answer. She set the phone down and decided to give it another 5 minutes, maybe he'd see the missed call and call back.

5 minutes went by and nothing. She called the precinct.

"Hey it's Officer Janko, is Jamie there?" She asked the front desk officer.

"Let me go check." They said and put Eddie on hold.

"Lainey! No!" She raised her voice at her 8 month old sucking on the remote in the living room.

"He's not in his office." The officer came back on the phone and said.

"Can you check if he signed out, he was only supposed to work until 4:30." Eddie said. She heard the clicks of the keyboard on the other end.

"Oh. Yes he checked out at 4:25." They said.

"Okay...well thank you." She was worried and hung up. She quickly put Alaina in her jumper so she didn't have to worry about her getting into anything while she tried to get a hold of Jamie. She tried his phone again and no answer. She thought she'd call Pop and see if maybe he stopped over there.

"Hey is Jamie over there? He was supposed to be home an hour ago.." she said.

"No but did you call the precinct? Maybe he got a call?" He suggested. Just as Eddie was about to respond Jamie came in the front door.

"He's here now sorry to bother you, have a good night." She hung up.

"Where were you!?" She yelled very frustrated.

"I'm sorry. Your mom called me and wanted to chat. Then she fed me dinner." Jamie said putting down his stuff and taking his coat off. Eddie cocked her head at him not amused.

"I made dinner, your favorites..." she said motioning her hand at the food on the table.

"Aw, I'm sorry Eddie she insisted" Jamie apologized.

"Well You could've at least called! I was worried about you! Why didn't you answer your phone!?" She asked.

"Sorry I didn't wanna be rude you know how she is." He said and went to give Eddie a hug but she stepped back not wanting it.

"So what did she want?" She asked crossing her arms. Lainey started babbling and Jamie went over to pick her up and kiss her.

"She just wanted to tell me more about your dad and what this means for us and stuff."

"What it means? Oh please enlighten me on what it means then?" Eddie said with attitude, her arms still crossed.

"She asked if I knew he got released today and if we planned on involving him in our lives and Alaina's life." He said.

"And you said...? No right?" She questioned. Jamie's face went blank.

"No I said I wasn't sure what you wanted to do or how you wanted to make it work..." Jamie said.

"Huh, Jamie!" She got pissed off and went to the kitchen.

"Eddie what!?" He asked and put Lainey down on the floor to follow Eddie to the kitchen.

"You know I tried not think about it today." She confessed as she started to put all the food away.

"Okay, why?" He asked her.

"Because ever since you reminded me he got out today I pondered the thought of what it was going to mean or if I wanted it to mean something." She said shaking her head.

"You don't want him involved? Can I ask why?" He asked.

"Because what's going to happen when she's 10 years old and grandpa goes away again?" She said with air quotes.

"People change babe." He said.

"Yeah and what if they don't? Then he's just disappointing all of us again. Why put our children through that when I for one went through it myself?" Eddie said and Jamie didn't say anything.

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