Weighing the options

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Wednesday April 6th.

*This is the following morning from the last chapter (they had to go to the hospital late at night) if you don't remember I'd go read it :-)*

The next morning Jamie came out to get a cup of coffee. Eddie was sitting at the table with Alaina while she ate mini pancakes and drank her milk in her high chair.

"You want some eggs or something?" Eddie asked him and got up from her chair.

"Not right now, good morning." He gave her a peck on the lips and then walked over to Alaina in her high chair.

"Hi honey, you kept smacking daddy in the face last night, did you know that?" He said bent down kissing her cheek. Lainey giggled at him.

"Oh is that funny?" Jamie asked laughing.

"Haha...she kept her face buried in my boobs all night if that helps." Eddie told him.

"Tryna make me jealous?" Jamie stood up and asked with a wink. Eddie blushed at him.

"How do you feel this morning?" He asked when he noticed her stomach.

"Good, bleeding stopped." Eddie said and started to wipe Alaina up so she could get out of her high chair.

"Good, you wanna talk about what you said last night?" Jamie asked.

"What do you mean?" Eddie questioned.

"You don't remember? About staying home?" Jamie refreshed her memory.

"Oh that. I thought you meant me letting Lainey sleep with us." Eddie said.

"No, I don't care about that." Jamie said and waited for Eddie to speak.

"Huh. I don't know." She shook her head.

"Don't know what?" He asked.

"If staying home is really what I want. I think it's what we need but is it what I want?" Eddie pulled Alaina out of her seat and she held her on her hip.

"Dada." Lainey babbled and leaned her body toward Jamie with one arm out at him.

"Huh, what's wrong with mommy?" Eddie acted jealous and handed her off.

"Hi sweetie." He said and gave her a hug. Eddie was in awh at her cuteness returning the hug to him.

"Da" she babbled again and reached for Jamie's coffee.

"Oh I see how it is." Jamie told her.

"Honey you can't have that. Here." Eddie handed her the sippy cup of milk. She knocked it out of Eddies hand.

"Oooo Lainey..." Jamie said with wide eyes surprised and Eddie gave her that mom look.

"Alaina Grace! Ah uh!" Eddie pointed her finger at her with a firm yet not overbearing voice knowing she wasn't even 1 for a couple more days yet.

"Why'd you do that?" Jamie asked her and Eddie picked it up off the floor.

"Guess were done with that." Eddie said and put it in the fridge. Alaina then started whining and fussing.

"Well then don't throw it...!" She said and gave it back. She took it and started to drink from it, Jamie threw his free hand up and laughed at her.

"Stinker." Eddie shook her head and went to clean up the rest of her high chair.

"Go play." Jamie put her down and patted her butt pushing her off. She wandered off to the living room.

"She's cute." He said and sipped on his coffee.

"Yeah when she's not being sassy." Eddie told him.

"She is. I think she probably gets that from you Janko." He smiled and winked at her when she dropped her jaw at him.

"So you think you could handle that on top of new baby?" Jamie asked raising his eyebrows at her.

"You don't think I could!?" Eddie questioned.

"Not what I'm saying. You could but I also know how hard you worked to get where you are right now." Jamie told her sincerely.

"It's not like I couldn't come back in a couple years when kids are older, in school..." Eddie said.

"I think you'd miss it." Jamie said being honest.  Eddie cocked her head at him.

"Just being honest. You do what you want though." Jamie told her and walked away to sit on the couch, Lainey was playing with her stackable cups on the floor. She immediately wanted Jamie to play with her and handed him a couple of them.

Eddie was cleaning up the kitchen, thinking about everything Jamie had said and her thoughts. She started unloading the dishwasher.

"Where's your puppy Lain? Go get your puppy." Jamie told her and pointed at it on the floor.

"Puh." She said in attempt to repeat "puppy" and waddled her chunky little legs over to it. She brought it back to Jamie.

"Good job...!" He told her smiling. Eddie was putting the dishes away rather loudly.

"You good?" Jamie asked her from the couch still.

"Mhm." She said and kept on going.

"Do you need help?" He asked.

"Why are you asking me that?" She stopped and wondered.

"Cause you seem frustrated about it." Jamie told her.

"You really think I couldn't do it...?" Eddie asked.

"Do what?" Jamie was caught of guard, confused.

"Take care of her and him!?" She pointed to Alaina and then her stomach.

"Janko I know you could do it. I just meant I think you'd miss the job." Jamie explained.

"I know I would but this is just the stage of life we're in now." She told him.

"Your right. Maybe we'll sit down and see what we could afford...?" Jamie suggested.

"We don't get paid crap I don't think it's going to be that devastating." Eddie said.

"Um no that's exactly why...on one cop income? It might get tight. Especially if we wanna buy a house sometime soon like we've talked about...?" Jamie reminded her.

"Huh. After last night...I thought I was losing him Jamie." Eddie said and sighed.

"Yeah that was scary, but he's okay." He reminded her.

"I know he is but life is too precious to miss out on. I mean they're only going to be small for a little bit. Before we know it we'll be sending them off to school, playing sports, hanging out with friends, dating!" Eddie acknowledged.

"Okay okay! La la la! No!" Jamie held his ears and said. He didn't want to think about it.

"See." She said raising one eyebrow.

"Why don't we just see how you feel after maternity." Jamie said. Eddie agreed and they dropped it.
Cute, fun little insight story. They're really stuck on what Eddie should do. I get both sides. How would part time police officer work? Any thoughts?

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